Jul 18, 2008 18:46

Um so I saw The Dark Knight at midnight yesterday with Iain, Aaron, Adam, and Jason and it was pretty much the best movie I have ever seen. And this is not one of those times when I am just saying that. I think it may actually be true. I am still in awe and I can't even talk about all the awesome stuff that happens in it because most people haven't seen it yet. So GOGOGO SEE IT QUICK.

I stayed at Aaron's and we didn't get in until nearly three, and had to be up at six. When we came inside we were unnerved to find the reading lamp on in the living room - half expected Dennis to be in there waiting up in sinister fashion (he was pissed I took Aaron and not him, even though when I asked him WEEKS AGO if he wanted to see this with me he told me he had plans for it already), but that turned out to not be the case. What he had done was set up not one, but TWO trip wires on the way to Aaron's room. I think it was partially for lols, partially for vindiction. After we saw the first in the hallway we were smart enough to turn on the light and check for others, and found the other in front of the bedroom door. Best part is, I went to the bathroom and on the way back, not two minutes later, forgot about it and walked right into it. Didn't trip, but it hurt my ankle and the wire broke and Aaron called me an idiot.
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