approximately five days ago...
Chris: Man, I want some turkey. I'm thinking I'm going to cook a turkey and have arbitrary turkey day.
me: You mean Thanksgiving?
Chris: No. Too far away. I was thinking more like... this Sunday.
me: *laughing* If you make a turkey, Chris, I will eat it.
Chris and Val: *walk in the door with twelve bags of groceries, including a turkey*
me: Well fuck me, I didn't think you'd actually do it.
Chris: If I want turkey, I'm making a fucking turkey. And you bastards better eat it.
Tamara: I think Chris is my hero.
me: Because he's making a turkey on a random day in September?
Tamara: Well, that, and he's smoking a joint while he's doing it.
By the way, three people who are [mostly] vegetarian ate that turkey. We decided as long as we all did it, it's like it never happened. Then we all had glorious tryptophan comas.