Nov 22, 2007 23:09
First, while we're all giving thanks, I also think it is worth taking a moment out to remember that the narrative of Indian/Pilgrim relations involved much more bloodshed, small pox, and starving than we all like to admit.
That being said, I had a pretty decent day. I had to be on Grosse Ile by 2 for Dinner at Grandma and Papa's. Everyone was there, and it was nice to see them under better circumstances than the funeral a few weeks back. Dinner was delicious. My grandma's green bean casserole has really been on the up in recent years- it used to be terrible.
Louis was a total brat though. I don't understand how my mom lets him be so terrible at every family function. He's six and a half now and its not cute. When I sent him to the corner and he said "no" I almost whacked him myself.
Isabelle was pretty good though. She wore her "Belle" costume today and made my mom make her a little bun and french twist so it would look like Belle's. It was cute.
Afterward we went back to Taylor for the Sutika side of the family. I only get to see them like three times a year but I do really like seeing them. They're very funny and definitely where we get our sense of humor, mode of speaking, and smoking from. My gramma is hilarious. My little genius cousin (he could read before 3, hes 9 now) was playing this like logic race game on the Wii against my stepmom and my gramma turns looks over and was like "i dont like this either, it makes me nervous." It was like something the Grandpa would say on the Simpsons. She also swears and smokes a lot and its very funny. Shes sweet.
October Road aired the sneak preview episode tonight. It was pretty good. I fell in love with that show online a few weeks back so I've been really excited for its comeback. The twist at the end has left me wondering.... But, they are playing the "premiere" (what was this?) on Monday night, so hopefully I won't have to wait too long to find out what the big secret is.
The rest of my evening will be spent snuggled up with Sophie reading "The Cairo Trilogy." I'm still in the very beginning, but so far I like it. It makes me miss Cairo a lot though.