Fanfic- Steps to Love 2/13: Step 0- Make a Plan (part a)

Apr 28, 2010 17:02

Title- Steps to Love 2/13:  Step 0- Make a Plan (part a)
Fandom- Star Trek XI
Ship- Spock/Kirk
Chapter Rating- PG-13
Overall Rating- PG-13 thru NC-17, maybe
Genre- slash, romance, drama
Warnings-  none
Disclaimer- I do not own Star Trek
Chapter Summary-  Spock considers what he should do now that he has realized his attraction to Kirk.
Overall Summery- Spock enlists McCoy's assistance in wooing one Captain James T. Kirk.
A/N- Inspired by 's Bragging Rights and Veggie Girl's In Another Life and, more specifically, it's sequal, Tomorrow. Both of these lovely stories center around Kirk realizing his affections for Spock and figuring out how to pursue him, with it being revealed at the end that Spock had realized before Kirk that he liked him, and asked McCoy to help get him. This is the reversal, only with an original premise. Obviously. Also, betaed by the wonderful cozibizzle!

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To say that Spock took less time to decide upon his next move than he normally would have, and perhaps in this case should have, would be an understatement. In his own defense, he had spent the six previous months in cautious planning, and this tactic had yet to produce any results. Perhaps it was time for a somewhat rash action.

That wasn’t to say he hadn’t considered it at all, of course. It is impossible for a Vulcan to act so illogically.

After he had realized, rather abruptly, his own sexual attraction towards his Captain, Spock had considered many things. For one, it was most illogically to be attracted to a member of the same sex, as there was no chance of reproduction. That would be pointless under normal circumstances, but when the Vulcan population had been so drastically reduced, it was tantamount to betrayal of his race not to reproduce.

However, T’Pring had been killed in the destruction of Vulcan, and there were no Vulcan women here, and he and Nyota had ended their relationship amicably only a month after they had come to serve on the Enterprise. Since then, he had not been approached by any female members of the crew. It was also unlikely, considering his own childhood, that a ¼ Vulcan child would be readily accepted by his race, even with the population so depleted. At this point in time, it was unlikely that he would find a suitable female mate, and as such, there was no crime in pursuing a sterile union.

The next thing to consider was Kirk himself. The realization of his attraction to the man did not change the current situation: Spock had no idea of Kirk’s feelings towards him. He had yet to ascertain whether Kirk saw him as a potential friend, much less a potential bond-mate. Moreover, Kirk’s sexual conquests had been infamous at the Academy and none of them, to Spock’s admittedly limited knowledge, had been men. In the time since he had become Captain of the Enterprise, Spock had seen Kirk in the company of several beautiful women, both human and alien. Never had he seen the Captain alone with another man.

After much consideration, Spock decided that this was irrelevant. Once he had approached Kirk as a friend, he could find an opportunity to broach the subject. If his sentiments were not returned, he would not press the matter.

This still left the issue of approaching Kirk. In six months of attempts, Spock had been unsuccessful in initiating more than a few, admittedly disappointing, work-related discussions. When he had made this realization, he had been on the verge of abandoning his efforts. Now he was more certain than ever before that he could not.

Yet despite his renewed conviction, Spock still had no idea of how to approach the man. His previous efforts had yielded nothing, and he did not know what else to do. It was time to seek advice.

This was, perhaps, the most rash decision Spock had ever made, save the one to join Starfleet and some made during the Narada battle. And even this he considered with great care.

Whom could he approach for advice on Kirk? There were precisely 846 crew members on the Enterprise, but few had regular interactions with the Captain. Those who conversed with him most often were the members of alpha shift who served in the bridge. He could not speak to Nyota of this; he did not know how she would receive the information that he was pursuing a romantic relationship with another. Aside from Nyota, there were few people on the Enterprise, save a few in the science department that Kirk did not regularly converse with, whom Spock knew well enough to approach casually.

The next logical step was to consider whom Kirk knew well. That was undoubtedly Dr. Leonard McCoy, who had been a close friend of Kirk’s even in their time at the Academy. However, McCoy seemed to dislike Spock, though he did not know why. The man was unlikely to assist him in any way. He would have to find another person.

After considering several others, Spock finally resigned himself to the fact that no one would be able to direct him on how to approach James Kirk as well as Dr. McCoy could. No matter how unlikely it was that he would receive any assistance from the Doctor, there was no one in a better position to advise him.

At precisely 19:48, Spock knocked upon the door of Dr. McCoy’s office. The medbay was, fortunately, empty of patients at that point in time, and Nurse Chapel had left just as Spock arrived, bidding him good-night on her way. They would be no one to overhear the conversation, should it devolve into one of the Doctors seemingly interminable strings of shouts and curses.

A muffled voice gave him permission to enter the office. McCoy looked up from a glass of Romulan ale and scowled. “What do you want? My shift’s ended.”

“Doctor, you are of course aware of Romulan ale’s illegal status?” Spock could not restrain himself from pointing it out.

“It that all you came up here for?” McCoy poured more ale into the half-emptied glass. “I’m well aware of it, and I don’t give a damn. You can leave now, unless you’re planning on having me thrown in the brig for it.”

Spock considered it, for just a moment. Then he dismissed the thought. “No, Doctor. I came to request your aid in a matter of some personal importance.”

“I’m a doctor, not a counselor. Go away.”

“I am aware of your status. However, you are also the person on the Enterprise who is closest to our Captain, and that is the basis on which I am approaching you.”

“Jim, huh?” The doctor took a gulp of the blue liquid. “What’s he done this time?”


“Then what the hell are you coming to me for?”

“I would like your advice in how to interact with him in such a way as to begin a friendship and possible romantic relationship.”

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genre:romance, item:fanfiction, ship:kirk/spock, genre:slash, genre:drama, rating:pg-13, fic:steps to love, fandom:star trek xi

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