Fanfic: Morning Rituals

Aug 14, 2011 15:07

Title- Morning Rituals
Fandom- Suits
Ship- Harvey/Mike
Rating- PG
Genre- fluff, domestic, established-relationship, slash
Warnings- unbetaed
Wordcount- 1000
Disclaimer- I do not own Suits
Summary- Mike and Harvey live together, but they spend their mornings very differently.
A/N- written for a prompt here at suitsmeme : One of the boys is NOT a morning person- whether it's Harvey (which is why he's always "late" for work) or it's Mike (a trait that he picked up during his stoner days), I don't care- the other, however, is a total morning person and hilarity, fluff and maybe smut ensue!

It was bright and early when Harvey’s alarm clock rang. He slipped from bed quickly and turned it off, ignoring the moan of protest coming from the pile of blankets beside him. Harvey smiled and kissed the top of Mike’s head where it was visible from within the blanket cocoon, and then began picking out clothes to wear.

When Harvey was dressed, he turned back to the bed and found that Mike hadn’t moved an inch from where Harvey had left him. “Mike,” he said softly, shaking the pile of blankets. An incoherent moan came from within, and Harvey rolled his eyes. “Come on. You actually need to be at work on time.” Mike rolled in the other direction, away from Harvey, and Harvey straightened up with a sigh. Every morning was a struggle to get his associate and boyfriend out of bed. He wondered how Mike had managed to get to work on time before he started living with Harvey.

Harvey went to the kitchen and got out a frying pan, hoping to entice Mike out of bed with food. He made eggs, just the way Mike liked them, and bacon, and hash browns. When he was finished cooking and Mike still hadn’t come out of the bedroom, Harvey took a plate of food in to coax him out. The pile of blankets shifted, and he could hear Mike sniffing the air. Harvey smirked and waited for Mike to get up.

“Food?” Mike mumbled sleepily from under the covers.

“Yes, there’s food. And if you don’t get out of bed, it’ll be cold by the time you eat it.” Mike moaned from beneath the covers and struggled to sit up within the tangle of blankets. He reached out for the plate, but Harvey pulled it away. “No. I’m leaving this in the kitchen, and you can come get it when you get out of bed.” Mike groaned and flopped back down on the mattress. Harvey shook his head and took the plate back to the kitchen, making sure to leave the door open so the scent of food would reach the bedroom.

Harvey decided to proceed with his morning routine without Mike. He took his gym bag and went to work out, coming back to the apartment with his muscles humming and his hair wet from showering. He saw that the food was still on the kitchen table, and was about to go to wake Mike for good when he saw his boyfriend leaning against the well by the bedroom door, looking like he’d struggled to make it that far.

“Come on, Mike,” Harvey said seriously. “I’ve already been to the gym and back. It’s time for you to get up.”

“To the gym?” Mike asked, horrified. “How could you even think about moving around that much at this ungodly hour?”

“Mike, it’s eight thirty,” Harvey replied with a frown. “You have half an hour to eat, get dressed, and get to work if you want to be on time.”

“Can’t you take me?” Mike asked. “It’s faster in your car than on my bike.”

“I have things to do in the morning,” Harvey replied, putting Mike’s plate in the microwave to warm it for him.

“So do I,” Mike said as he dropped into a chair at the dining table. “Like sleep.” Harvey laughed despite himself, and shook his head. He set the heated plate in front of Mike and watched for a few minutes as his boyfriend ate. When he was satisfied that Mike had eaten enough not to be starving before his lunch break, Harvey began loading the breakfast dishes into the washer.

“I’m going to drop by to see some clients,” Harvey told Mike. “If Donna asks, tell her I’ll be in around eleven.”

“What if someone else asks?” Mike mumbled around a mouthful of food.

“If someone else asks, you ask them why on Earth they think my associate knows anything about my personal life,” Harvey replied. Mike snorted. Harvey shook his head as he turned away. He knew Mike didn’t like hiding their relationship, didn’t like going separately to work and pretending they didn’t know each other’s business. Truth be told, he didn’t like it either, but he knew that people already thought he showed favoritism towards Mike. If their relationship came out, the associates would mock him more, the partners would never respect him as a lawyer in his own right, and Jessica might even have to assign Mike to a different partner to avoid the appearance of impropriety. Not to mention suspected favoritism would make people look more closely into whether Mike really deserved his position, and although Lola had done some good work with the Harvard records, Harvey didn’t want to give anyone a reason to look into them.

“If you’re going to see clients,” Mike said slowly, breaking Harvey from his thoughts, “then it’s technically work, and if I’m with you visiting clients at nine, then technically I’m not late for work.”

“But how would we explain arriving together?” Harvey asked.

Mike shrugged. “You wanted to visit the client early, so you picked your associate up from his apartment to take with you. It’s also perfect because it gives us an excuse to leave together, too.”

Harvey smiled. “Most people don’t know I spend my mornings working on pro bono cases.”

“Tell them it was a very important client. Important enough what you had to stop whatever it is you do in the morning to go see them.”

“All this just so you can ride to work in the car and leave five minutes later than if you biked?” Harvey asked.

“All this so I can spend the morning with my boyfriend,” Mike corrected.

“You could do that more easily if you got up when I do,” Harvey replied, and Mike made a face. “Well, I’ll be down at the car, waiting for you,” Harvey said as he went to the door. He stopped, and turned back to Mike with a smirk. “And you’d better hurry up, because I’m leaving in five minutes.” Harvey heard Mike groan as he stepped out of the apartment, and smiled to himself. Getting up early never hurt anyone, and it would be nice if he could get Mike to spend more mornings with him.

genre:domestic, warning:unbetaed, genre:fluff, item:fanfiction, genre:established relationship, genre:slash, ship:harvey/mike, rating:pg, fandom:suits

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