Yes, I suck. I know. Berate me MORE. :(
This is just a quickie, but I'll have more to update after Saturday when I've visited another old, formerly secret military testing site. Mmm, dodgy chemical testing. ^^
So here below are some friends and their first single and professional video. Unfortunately, both Nic and I were going to feature in said production, but we had to go to London instead for a birthday party. If I'd known BEFOREHAND, I would've said yes to this instead, because the party was duuuuuuuull. *sigh*
Oh well, we're a shoe-in for the next vid. XD
(The guy with the dreads who does the rap in the middle is Lofty, one of our best mates. =)
Click here because I screwed the coding for my LJ and can't embed videos... :S