Game 39/Playercest game FAQ!

Nov 09, 2006 17:13

A quick FAQ for the playercest game, as there were some questions yesterday.

1. How many wolves are there in this game?

There are three players playing three pairs of wolves, i.e., six wolves.

2. Is it possible for a pair played by the same person to consist of a sheep or a wolf?

No, the pairs will either be sheep-sheep or wolf-wolf.

3. How are we voting people out -- one by one or by pairs?

By pairs. Voting people out one by one would make the game far too long and unbalanced.

4. Are the private conversations supposed to be between our playercesting characters, or is it basically still all working the same, just with two characters in the game?

You can have private conversations with whoever you like (provided they're in the game, but I'm sure you don't need me to know this!). Hell, I had loads of fun playing the shepherd for days against lone wolf Sakuraba in game 29, so if you want to lock a post to the shepherd don't hesitate to hit me up in IRC.

There are a lot of variants here, so I'll try to cover them all: you can lock a post as one or both of your characters, to one person from another pair OR the pair, or multiple people from multiple pairs, OR the pairs themselves. You can lock a post for just your characters to thread in. Do whatever feels the funniest and most IC. Personally, I'd like for people to have at least one locked post for just your characters interacting throughout the game. As said above, I'm open for threading privately if you want to spice it up the post.

5. What can we expect the clues to be like?

I'm fairly uncreative when it comes to clues. XD They're never too subtle. That said, clues can refer to just one character out of the pair or the full pair. I will have them be related in some way to the theme of this game, which is Japanese game shows (let's see how quickly I run out of steam here!).

6. How many votes are allowed per team?

Only one vote per team!

7. What's the Jerk Shepherd like?

I enjoyed playing the Jerk Shepherd in game 29, and I'm bringing him out for this game too. Some of the characters in this game have suffered him previously, and they already know some of his personal history and, um, interesting hobbies. If you want to know why I'm headdesking so much at the fact there are three elementary school kids in this game, just refer to this profile of sorts.


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