(no subject)

Oct 13, 2006 12:18

Some CFUW terms/types of games, because we have a lot of different ones and I don't think I know them all. Plus, if there is a type of game you'd like to try, feel free to comment here and I'll add it to the list or we can discuss its viability or SOMETHING? I love shepherding, and I don't mind trying out new types of games, so just tell me what you'd like to see! I should post this in the actual comm, but ahahaha, I'm not a mod so I don't know if it's kosher? :D;

Lone wolf. Wow, almost everything I said here was wrong. Okay. So, lone wolf. One of the wolves decides to act on its own, and the other two wolves don't know who it is. They may or may not vote to eat someone. First lone wolf was Mal. :D

Lone wolves game. None of the wolves know who else is a wolf. They submit their eating votes individually, and should they happen to pick another wolf, that vote is nullified. If there's no majority in an eating vote, the shepherd picks one of the suggested sheep at random. There's no wolf post. First game to feature this was Game 24, and the wolves were (IIRC) Akiha, Umeda and Chisame.

Sheepdog/Black ram. I actually have no idea if these are the same thing, or not, since I've read the Sheepdog game but I didn't understand what was going on at all. :D; The Black Ram, though, is a sheep that can pick to protect any sheep including themselves during wolf eating time. Should the wolves pick the same victim the black ram is protecting, no sheep will be eaten that round.

Partner game. Started by our resident partnersexual shepherd, this game consists of giving out a clue which pairs four sheep and two wolves in three pairs. The sheep pairs know the other is safe, but don't have any way ot prove it, which the wolf pair can use to their advantage.

Types of clues (to expand on when I'm feeling less lazy)

Clues usually clear two sheep in the first day. From the second day on, they usually give three names, out of which one will be a wolf. However, this isn't always the case and we have some very creative shepherds.

- Riddles
- Ciphers
- Image clues (I'm guessing anything goes here, icons, bad/good photoshop, movie posters lolz. . .)
- Inkblot clues (n-no words)
- Code clues (see game 26)
- Partner clues
- Word search clues (I'm NEVER doing that anymore, omg)
- etc?



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