"The Curse of Four"
Bone Gods
The novella is really fighting me. I've made the decision to postpone it until I go East to close on my house, because I can focus a lot better on problematic projects away from the roar of Real Life.
Bone Gods, however, continues to just clip along like the best little novel that ever did live. I'm cautiously enjoying the experience of writing, where it does not feel as if my brain is being ripped through my nose with a crochet hook.
And I figured out what I should put in "Born Under a Bad Sign", which is next up after the novella, so that's nice. It's going to be a little bleaker than the stuff I usually write (and now you all say "You, bleaker? Should I just slit my wrists now?" And I reply, I tend to write dark, but not particularly bleak. This story doesn't have a happy ending or much hope. But I think it will be fun to write. There is, after all, a fallen angel with a shotgun.
Major improvement on checking off the moving to-do list this week...in fact, all that remains to do is schedule the actual movers.
In YA news, The Witch's Alphabet is maybe-probably undergoing a title change. I'm not opposed to this, really--I've become fairly zen about not getting too attached to any title I come up with unless it is absolutely perfect. I would say Witch is about 80% perfect but there's definitely a possibility that the new title will be even better. Delacorte and Editor Krista are being very transparent and involving me in the process, and really that's all I ask.
And my YA proposal is coming together. I ran it by someone outside my regular Team Seattle writer's circle this evening and it was met with approval, and this is someone who's opinion I really respect, so I'm excited to do my initial research and start writing it over the summer.
Now, back to the copyedit mines. Hopefully I will finish tomorrow.
Originally published at
Caitlin Kittredge.