doing Things

Nov 23, 2009 21:15

I'm back.

It's been what we call A Week. Maybe two. I lost track somewhere in there. Between massive amounts of revision work, shenanigans from my lender (which culminated in my dumping them and seeking financing for the new place elsewhere), and general malaise and feelings of wanting to stab the world in the eye with a dull fish fork, it could've really sucked. Life, I mean.

Fortunately I got out of the house once or twice, for a trunk show that my burlesque class attended, to see 2012 (not an experience anyone should go through if they value their sanity), and met up with some of the Tenners in Bellingham for lunch and book talk.

So that made it sort of all right. Not that I ever wish to have that amount of editorial work condensed into that short a period, ever again. I think my total stands at something like 1100 pages edited over the last ten days.

Like so:
  • Final edits on The Witch's Alphabet (487 pages.)
  • Edits to Shades of Gray (about 220 pages for my half.)
  • Edits to Daemon's Mark (335 pages)
  • Edits to "Under the Hill and Far Away" (30 pages, give or take.)
No time in there to work on any original prose, but my deadline for the YA has to be rejiggered anyway. It's not going to be an ideal situation for finishing either that book, or Bone Gods, but it could be so much worse.

Still to do:
  • Write "The Curse of Four" and adjacent chapbook for SubPress and:
  • Write The Nightmare Clock (Iron Codex Vol. II) and:
  • Write The Crimson King (In spare time) and: (I'm not sure I want Crimson King to be the next thing I write in that contract. I love the voice, but it's not quite a Book yet.)
  • Finish my paranormal TV pilot, Raising Kane
  • Write Bone Gods (Black London #3)
  • Write Black London #4
  • Write The Mirrored Shard (Iron Codex Vol. III)
  • Write Houses of the Holy (sequel/companion to Crimson King)(formerly Mystery Adult UF Novel) (Or write Crimson King and this other idea that slapped me upside the head, which I'm currently calling The Remains, as it's a Dennis Lehane-meets-Raymond Chandler-and-they-have-a-threesome-with-Mike Carey-while-Frank Miller-looks-on style of story.)(Who knows?)
Order now and we'll include...
  • Finish my non-specfic project (which for purposes of me not being confused has the code name of "Spy Noir") (On hold until I find that little thing called a plot)
  • Write The Bride, non-steampunk YA project (Option book for my YA publisher)
  • Outline/start non-specfic collab project
  • Brainstorm new proposals for non-novel Seekrit Project Round 2 (after a pass on Round 1 from Seekrit Publisher.) (Done, and turned in for editorial notes and consideration.)
Looking at all of that has made me exhausted, so it's time to go recharge and get to dance class.

Originally published at Caitlin Kittredge.

schedule, noir as heck, no good will come of this

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