Interview Me!

Mar 15, 2009 18:06

Meme Time (open forever)

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me!"
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. And thus the endless cycle of the meme goes on and on and on and on...

Amazingly interesting questions by isthiskris

1. You're given the power to erase a phobia that you have but you're sentenced to spend a whole day with/doing it before it goes away. Will you take up that chance? (If your phobia is death, think of it as seeing death over and over and etc.)
Many of my ‘phobias’ are things that don’t happen often. A whole day would probably take me over my lifetime number anyway, so I wouldn’t bother (one of my major fears in betrayal). The most obvious though, is needles. I don’t think I’d try to get rid of it though. While I’m scared of them, it doesn’t ruin my life, I just put off doctor’s appointments (but I still go). It wouldn’t be worth it for such a horrible day. I deal with it when I have to (I faint and ask them to use the needle while I’m passed out, I’m such a cheat).

2. Choose one and explain: Famous for a day yet live a life of anonymity right after, or live infamously for your whole life.
Normally I have a problem with needing to have people like me; it’s a compulsive need of mine. But I'd choose live infamously for my whole life. I couldn't have a taste of fame and live happily, or sanely, afterwards without it. I would get addicted to it. I think that's a large part of why I love fanfics; because I connect with the characters (who are famous/ or infamous depending on who you talk to) and it's like a fantasy, or wish fulfilment. I can experience the life I need, even if I never get it. This one was easy, but enjoyable. Fame, Infamy, are both at the core, the same. Gimme the limelight for however long I can keep it.

3. Five years before this date, did you expect to be where you are right now?
I'm 20 now (I'll be 21 later in the year), so 5 years ago I would have been 16 turning 17. I would have been in my 2nd last year of high school. At that time I was making tentative plans to get into the degree I am currently in. So in one way, I did expect to be here (even though I was fearful I would not be). But on the other hand, I had never had a boyfriend by that stage (I got one at the end of that year, and I'm still with the same guy) and I had fully sworn off relationships so I could focus on my school work, so I totally didn't expect to be here in that regard. I had expected that my problems (emotional, relationships etc) would be different, more adult, I'd grow into myself, not be such an emo, and I was completely wrong there. Those things never change I think; at least they are familiar. Overall, I guess this is where I expected to be (and feared I wouldn't). I count myself incredibly lucky that things have worked out for me like this (I know I worked hard for this, but luck still had a role).

4. Your schedule is free for an entire month. No need to work, study or deal with bills and anything else. What do you do?
Read fics (while listening to music). Then.... read some more fics. Maybe throw some photography and baking in there. Occasionally catch up with friends, shopping, beach, concerts (if any good ones on), list making and organising etc. But mostly, reading, and mostly fics. Is it obvious a lot of my life (excluding real life friends, and work) is online?

5. What was your secret wish when you were a child?
I'm not sure I had a secret wish; I was a very chatty child with dreams aplenty. I could say dancing, or to be famous (which are both true, and I desperately wanted), but if we're looking for something a little less mundane and more unusual, then I suppose it was to be loved. Odd hey? Even as a young child all I wanted in my life was to be loved. It made the eventual realisation that I can never get enough love to satisfy me, and that I should be whole within myself (all that philosophical stuff etc) that much harder to reach and accept (not really doing the latter that well)


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