Hi everyone! A manic monday had just ended for me, hope you guys had/are having a good start to the week! (:
An exciting update *g*: More people have expressed interest in joining, so that means we might have about 10 characters :D But for now:
A) The current confirmed characters (9 in total):
Allen Walker, Kanda Yu, Lavi, Lenalee Lee, Howard Link, Tokusa, Reever Wenhamm, Bak Chang, Komui Lee
B) The characters confirmed, but whose journals have not been created (1 in total):
Miranda Lotto
Okay, onto the main part of this post. PLOT. ZOMG. DISCUSSION PLEASE.
Currently, because we are a small-ish group, there was a default plan, along the lines of Komui releasing another Komurin much to the horror of, well, everyone. It's a simple little thing but which was hoped to be..."reactive" enough so people can try out action posts to it. However, because we might possibly have more people, it is definitely more than feasible to have a different plot/an expanded plot and the like.
The purpose of having a mini-arc/plot is so that at the beginning stages we can work out the kinks of the format. LJ, email, action-based posts, announcements and all that. There are bound to be some problems which haven't been anticipated, which is why the mini-arc is important (:
Talk, or I'll send you spam. Komui-flavoured spam.
Finally, a format question!
I hope you guys got to go around the various character LJs to take a look at what people have written (: Remember, the RP is not officially launched yet, but the journal updating can certainly start and we can have fun seeing what people wrote prior to the RP :D But the thing is, sometimes we have OOC responses, like me squealing out loud at Reever's poster.
So, important question: what is your stand on OOC reactions within the RP?
There are a few options:
1. No OOC responses at all. This would mean that the RP must always be in IC mode.
2. OOC response only in the title of the comment. This would limit the length of OOC response.
3. OOC response only in brackets, only after the actual character response, and only in small font. This would be something like Komui saying:
You will never find me. NEVER.
((OOC: Oh Reever, you poor thing.))
However, the OOC comments might form a whole conversation on its own, which might interrupt the flow of the RP.
4. OOC response only with personal LJ. This would be almost the same as brackets, only we'd know for sure who's commenting on what, and so RP journals are reserved purely for RP purposes.
Your vote is very, very important. Even if you have no preference, please say so in the comments.
Thank you! That's all for now, I'll get back to communicating with the various interested parties - have a great week guys!
AND REMEMBER TO COMMENT. It gets lonely when I see that the posts have little to no replies *sad face complete with puppy-dog eyes*