Vampire and His Wolf

Jul 07, 2008 13:09

Chapter ten

Ryan’s POV

I stepped towards the couch, making no attempt to follow Bam, he needed some time alone.

“We should follow him.” Jess says, standing next to me as we look down at Villes lifeless corpse. I grab the bottle from my pocket and look down at it, then down at Ville.

I lean down; partially open Ville’s mouth, pouring a small amount of the solution into his mouth.

“Ryan what are you doing?” Migé asks, everyone was watching intently as I made sure Ville swallowed the solution.

His breathing came back with a gasp and a small choke and everyone breathes a sigh of relief, Migé and Lindé get Ville to sit up as I pour the rest of the blue liquid down.

A few minutes passed and Villes eyes opened, his green eyes flashed as he started to come round.

“Huh?” Ville groans, his voice hoarse from lack of use and his near death experience.

Migé’s grin widens and he holds Ville tightly. Ville just stays limp like a rag doll, his eyes wandering around as if looking for someone, looking for Bam.

His eyes meet mine and I shake my head, he stares at me intently and just as I was about to tell him what had happened.

“Who’s gonna tell Bam?” Raab asks, all of us look around. I look down and see Ville standing up slowly.

“I’ll go.”

“Ville, you’ve just literally came back from a near death experience. There’s no way you’re going.” Ville snarls at me and I blink. I had never seen Ville that angry, it’s seriously scary.

“I’m going; do not tell me otherwise Ryan.” I nod dumbly as he walks away. Migé runs over and helps him walk when he starts to stagger.

“I’m coming with you then.” Ville nods and lets Migé help him. I knew Ville will find Bam; they have an unbreakable bond that nobody, not even the reaper of death, can break.

Ville’s POV

I follow the faint trail Bam had left with Migé’s help. It soon turns into a graveyard and I could spot Bam by one of the many trees that littered the depressing final resting place.

I look at Migé and let go of him, walking towards the gate before turning to him.

“Thanks Migé, I’ll go talk to him alone.” Migé nods and waits by the gates as I walk towards my lover.

When I was close enough I could see bam holding a knife, a gold handle with red jewels and a silver blade. I stare; slightly shocked Bam would try to kill himself.

“Bam?” I ask my throat still hoarse and it was difficult to talk properly.

“What?” that was the reply I was hoping for, maybe he actually wanted to die. I wasn’t going to let him though.

“Bam? Why are you doing this?”

“Why do you care?” I could start to sense that Bam didn’t recognize me because of my voice. I step over the gravestone and sit down next to Bam.

“Maybe because I love you.” Bam turns his head towards me and sniffs. I reach for the blade and hold it gently. He tighten his grip before letting it go, letting me put away from him and holding him.

“Ville?” I smile and brush his messy hair, my hand stroking the scratch marks that scorn his once smooth face.

“I’m here kulta, I’m really here.” I whispered, my lover breaks down and sobs into my shoulder, holding me tightly.

“Don’t leave me again!” he bawls, I rub circles on his back and promise him over and over again I won’t leave him. I grab the knife and help Bam to stand up, walking with him to the entrance and handing Migé the knife. I walked past before turning to see if he was following.

Migé just stares confused at me, his eyes asking me the question that he most likely already knew the answer to. I nod at his silent question and walk with Bam down the country lane back to the Fonthill mansion, our home.
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