"Maybe I peaked in high school. Aw, man, that's a depressing thought."

Sep 17, 2008 20:21

Why is CSS so difficult? Or, alternately, why can't everyone just use the one browser? I'm making a site for my Dad (not just for him, for his football team), and while it works in IE7 at 1280x800, the layout goes wonky in Firefox and Safari, or in 800x600. The navigation keeps disappearing under the body. :(

AV Club interview with Neil Patrick Harris

AVC: How did you get pulled into Dr. Horrible?

NPH: I'm sort of friendly with Joss and Kai [Cole], his wife, in social circles. We almost worked together on another TV project of his, and it just didn't work out. I think we always kind of amuse each other when we're at dinner. And that seemed like a good fit. He does weird Shakespeare readings every month or two in his backyard, and casts different people in different parts. Sometimes you're "second page on the left," and sometimes you're Benvolio. So I admire that, especially in Los Angeles, which isn't really a city known for creative outlets. It's nice to have someone like Joss around that likes that bohemian way.

I can think of few things I would rather do than be at one of those readings...

When you see this, post a quote from Stargate Atlantis in your journal:
Keller: Steve Carell or Stephen Colbert?
Carter: Uh, Colbert I think.
McKay: Carell, but I would pick Jon Stewart over both of them. If I was forced to.
[- Trio]

technical difficulties, neil patrick harris, real life: news links, sga, fandom: meme

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