Title: Normality at its finest
Fandom: Eureka
AN: Jack/Nathan ficlet, for
smilebackwards in the first kiss meme
Their first kiss is just like anyone else’s first kiss. Considering where they are, that’s a minor miracle all on its own.
They’ve nearly kissed seven or eight times before they actually manage it - all caused or prevented by Eureka weirdness. Pheromones, malfunctioning gravity fields, truth rays, parallel universes. All averted safely before whatever it was that was starting to happen between them actually happened.
So yeah, their first kiss is just like anyone else’s. Jack looks at Nathan one day and sees him, the way he’s never seen him before. Sees the way Nathan looks back, and allows himself this one little risk. Jack leans over the boardroom table and shoves Nathan’s computer screen aside. He grabs Nathan by his expensive collars and pulls.
Nathan gets with the program quickly (genius after all) and walks the two of them sideways so the table isn’t blocking full-body contact. Nathan says, “Jack”, before kissing him again, and his name was never a turn-on before this.
Jack has Nathan’s full and undivided attention, and he intends to make the most of it, holding the kiss until they’re both gasping for air. It feels like the best first kisses do - like you could keep going forever, oxygen deprivation notwithstanding. Like Nathan is present, not lost in equations and test programs.
They break, and Nathan looks at him. “So, to recap, I distract the giant mutated lizard, and you get behind it with the flamethrower.”
“That’s the plan, yeah.”
“Try not to set the building on fire.”
“Try not to get eaten.”