Who Watches the Watchmen?

Jul 18, 2008 12:50

Watchmen Trailer - while not one of my favourite comics, it's undoubtably classic, and one of the best examples of how to make comics for grown-ups. Plus the trailer is just incredibly pretty, and there's a really good cast under all those costumes.

I have been burnt before, and yet I am excited.
Though I would rather Matt not become evil. Or Mohinder to suddenly be straight. He has a boyfriend with whom he is raising a child! But scarred-Peter intrigues me.
(I still want to write Heroes do 'Days of Future Past'. In my head it's mostly just Peter&Sylar teaming up to stalk through corridors blowing stuff up and rescuing everyone else from a mutant concentration camp. Molly and Micah are their tech support.)

Finally saw the finale of SPN S3. I think 'Malleus Maleficarum' and 'Jus in Bello' had me braced for more issues than actually happened. I still would like some non-dead women in the mythos. Preferably living, present occasionally, non-crazy hunters. But all in all it bothered me less than I was expecting. Less than the witch things anyway.

As a season there were a lot of things that could have been done better. I don't love it as much as Season 2, which came together nigh on perfectly. But there were some really good parts here too. On rewatching, we have 'Bad Day at Black Rock', with the sweetest most pathetic Sam ever, and Dean being long suffering. 'A Very Supernatural Christmas' which was cute/sad and necklace-related, and I will rewatch when it is actually Christmas. But mostly the undeniable heart-tugging wonder that was Dean teaching Sam how to fix the Impala. ♥

Eureka promo to 'Won't You be My Neighbor' :D
And S.A.R.A.H's twitter. Why don't I get Eureka at the same pace as the US? And why is it so much fun and yet has such a tiny fandom? So many questions.

Last one: when will Dr. Horrible have a soundtrack I can buy? I've been singing bits of it since Tuesday and I can't stop!

fandom: tv!love, comics, eureka, heroes, real life: news links, fandom: film!love, dr horrible, supernatural

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