For anyone having problems earlier,
Act I of Dr Horrible has switched servers, and I finally got it working. Yay!
Managed to corral all six members of my family into the same room to watch it through the TV. The three members of us who are musicals fans liked it muchly. Edit: Okay, apparently Brother1 liked it too. So that makes four. Dad only mocked my ardent desire to go make coffee for Joss for minimum wage.
- Oh, Felicia Day, how did I not notice what a cutie you were in Buffy? With the red hair. I have such a thing for shy redheads. (I'm also rewatching Buffy with Brother1)
- I'm in love with Neil Patrick Harris. Is this a problem? He can sing. And he's all cute and nervous and mumbly. Plus he's all... I don't quite know how to put this. When he's with his friend (Moist. Does Joss watch HIMYM?), just chatting in the lair, he's very real. Kind of considerably more real and interesting than Captain Hammer.
- On that note: Nathan!!! Who is completely pitch-perfect as the jackass hero. Just overdone enough that it's funny rather than annoying.
- The way the musical numbers fit the characters. Dr Horrible's are more traditional musical (with a touch of Jonathan Coulton maybe - a bit indie geek). Penny has a really sweet, wistful little number. And then Captain Hammer comes in and the whole thing rocks up. With the blending, when they all sing together. It's all very Sondheim. (In the sense that it's lines, sung, rather than more Rodgers and Hammerstein-esque)
- The video quality is great, without being quite TV production level. You wouldn't know it's made for next to nothing. And there are a few absolutely gorgeous shots.
- I want goggles. And to go to Comic-Con with them and meet NPH. And Joss and all the other fab folks. *sighs*
Go watch it!