"whatever way our stories end, I know you have re-written mine"

Jan 31, 2007 14:40

~ Anyone have any icon requests? After three essays in six days, I'm not going out today (well, I might go find take-out for tea, but no work). Hence icons and fic. I've made a bunch of Torchwood ones in the past week, but I'm playing with some West Wing caps at the moment, so if anyone would like anything? Or a drabble, for that matter, but I'm mostly finishing the Owen/Ianto/Jack, so it probably wouldn't be longer than a drabble.

~ I'm also finishing the promos for the AU ficathon which I might open tonight *is afraid*. Can anyone think of anything that looks like an internal AU? I have Josh behind the podium (Celestial Navigation), but I'm having a block on anything else

~ Has anyone ever written Josh/Danny? I'd explain, but I don't think it would help my case for sanity. Or, at least, for not being someone who decides pairings by looking at a cap and goes 'oohhh, pretty.' ETA: And now I've realised that writing Josh/Danny opens up some terrifying cross-universe black-hole. Josh Lyman/Danny Concannon, okay? Not BW/BW, for that would be creepy. And also the most emotionally screwed-up pairing ever.

~ Pan's Labyrinth is awesome. Yes, I know, late (not my fault!). And also, me, liking fairytales, big surprise there, right? It's creepy as hell, and I spent a lot of time watching through my fingers. But it's also beautiful and layered and powerful, and I want to see it a few more times again and then write an essay about it.

~ I got up earlier than I intended today, because G phoned needing help. This, however, meant that I saw the early afternoon, and therefore this. ♥. Em, I hope, knows I love her, but clearly she loves me back, for she wrote me Toby/Josh. And it is beautiful and sad and complicated and I'm not gonna be able to repay this one easily... Go read!

~Wicked! Defying gravity! *sings* You know, I'm actually not so bouncy as this entry would imply...

fandom: musical!love, recs, fandom: film!love, west wing: ramblings, fandom: shippiness, writing: taking requests

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