Prompt-me / still lacking the serenity to accept the things I cannot change

Aug 22, 2012 22:42

a) Um, I got the job? Which means I'm now actual manager of my little office, instead of assistant manager. I'm in charge of eight people. There's still at least three levels between me and my unexpected coup management of the building, but still. How long you think it was between my 'yay' and 'omigod I'm going to ruin everything'?



For those of you who guessed 'less than 2 minutes', you would be correct! I was in Edinburgh with Mum and Brother2 by the time they got back to me with the call, and Mum said she couldn't tell if it was good news or bad because I started rocking back and forwards. This is a thing that happens to me. Our massive system upgrade is still going terribly, and people keep complaining to me about it, as though perhaps I was a server fixer, programmer, web developer or something similar. They keep mistaking my competence in user-end computer things with some ability to fix the ridiculous problems that happen when you replace a buggy but predictably buggy piece of old software with an all-singing all-dancing piece of shiny new software that no one's tested. So my mental health is hanging by a thread right now. Fun.

b) So I'm getting no writing done, because I'm waking and sleeping these work problems, and I can't settle to anything else for more than about ten minutes. Hence: prompt fic.

Give me something to write I can manage in those ten minutes? How about firsts? A first kiss, first fight, first hero moment, first anything.
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, West Wing, Lost Girl, Social Network, Unusuals, Fringe, Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol, Sherlock, Doctor Who, AtLA/Korra, try me on something else who knows.

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real life: boasting, real life: work sucks, writing: taking requests

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