Title: Trust Graded on a Curve
Fandom: Suits
Characters/Pairings: Harvey/Mike
Rating: PG-13 for language and sexual implication.
Content notes/Spoilers: Episode 1.02
Wordcount: 5,000 words
Disclaimer: Belongs to USA network, Aaron Korsh et al.
Summary: Harvey asked for Mike’s loyalty, but doesn’t know what to do with it now he has it. Mike wants someone to trust, but can’t see what Harvey’s offering. Louis manages to takes advantage of both of those things, but only for a little while.
somuchlikeabook drew some absolutely beautiful
art illustrating the penultimate scene of this, for me for Fall Fandom Free-For-All. It's not really spoilery, but I think it makes more sense to read the fic first.
Link to AO3 This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth:
http://blackeyedgirl.dreamwidth.org/148367.html |
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