X-Men First Class FF: Exist Only in Reflection [Erik/Charles; R]

Jun 10, 2011 03:48

Title: Exist Only in Reflection
Fandom: X-Men: First Class
Characters/Pairings: Erik/Charles
Rating: R
Content notes/Spoilers: None but the movie, and angst. Which, again: the movie.
Wordcount: 2,000 words
Disclaimer: Belongs to Marvel and various studios.
Summary: Erik thinks that Charles should be training too - he proposes a test of Charles's abilities. But he can't quite keep his own mind off what he knows will have to happen soon. [Telepathic-projection-double!sex; set during the movie.]

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Bet I'm surprising absolutely no one with this...

This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth: http://blackeyedgirl.dreamwidth.org/147914.html |
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x-men: fanfic, x-men, fanfic

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