Porn Battle & Kink Meme Ficlets: Fringe, The Social Network, British Comedian RPF

Jan 29, 2011 20:08

Believe it or not (I certainly don't) I'm well ahead of word-count this month. This is partially because of TSN kinkmeme, and partially because of Porn Battle. Here are the offerings so far, for your delectation.

Porn Battle:

What selfishness, to be alone (at battle) [Fringe; Olivia solo; NC-17]
She does this for herself, afterwards. Post 3.09 Marionette.

There Will Be Time (at battle) [The Social Network; Mark/Eduardo; NC-17]
For the prompts of time and alcohol. It's Mark's thirtieth birthday.

Ad Break (at battle) [British Comedian (10 O'Clock Live) RPF; Charlie Brooker/David Mitchell/Lauren Laverne/Jimmy Carr; NC-17]
Ad Breaks.

The Social Network Kink Meme/TFLN meme:

Uncertainty Principle [Mark/Eduardo; R]
"if your phone is working sorry i called you at 2am. if it is not then i never called your phone at 2am"

And We All Tangle ( at meme) [Mark/Dustin, Eduardo/Chris, gen OT4; R]
Somehow they fit, this way round, and things don't fall apart.

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the social network, fringe: fanfic, comedian-rpf, fanfic, fanfic: pornbattle, comedian-rpf: fanfic, fringe, the social network: fanfic

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