Full-length stories written: 39 (that's 1000 words+)
Chapters of Multi-part fic finished: 2
Shorts: 23 (under 1000 words)
The Pairing Stats: Phineas and Ferb/The West Wing - gen; The Social Network - Mark/Eduardo x10; Sarah Jane Adventures - genish; Sarah Jane Adventures/Doctor Who - Sarah Jane/Ten; RPF - David Mitchell/Charlie Brooker; Sherlock - Sherlock/John x2, Sally/Molly; Firefly/Psych - River/Shawn; The West Wing - Sam/Toby, Sam/Toby/CJ/Josh/Donna, Donna, CJ; Leverage - Alec/Eliot/Parker, asexual!Parker/Alec/Eliot, Alec/Eliot x2, Sophie, Hardison, Nate&Eliot, Nate&team, Parker&Nate, racebent!Nate&Hardison, Eliot&team, Alec; Leverage/White Collar - Eliot/Neal; Leverage/SG1 - Eliot/Alec&Sam; Discworld - Ridcully/Stibbons; Doctor Who - Donna&Eleven, Jenny, Eleven&Amy; The Middleman - Wendy&Lacey&Roxy, Wendy; Avatar: TLA - Mai/Zuko, Zuko&Aang; Criminal Minds - Elle&Aaron; Veronica Mars - Veronica&Lilly; Iron Man movie - Tony/Pepper; Iron Man/X-Men movies - Tony/Scott; White Collar - Neal/Elizabeth/Peter x3, Neal&Ensemble; Kick-Ass - Hit Girl; American Idol RPF - Ryan/Simon x2, Ryan/Simon/Paula; Star Trek - Kirk/Spock x2, Uhura&Gaila; Star Trek/Firefly - Enterprise/Serenity; Sherlock Holmes - Holmes/Watson x2; Dollhouse - Topher/Adelle; The West Wing/Torchwood - gen
I haven't properly counted, but I think my diversity of POV characters increased a bit this year. Plus I wrote a F/F fic without being prompted, which was new.
Total word count: c169,500
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
Less, or possibly, more fic but fewer original things. I did write more short original things than I have before, and submitted more of those, but overall I wrote less than I wanted to.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2010?
I wrote for
The Social Network which I wouldn't have predicted in 2009 because I was braced to be horribly disappointed, and I was in parts, but then Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield made me fall hopelessly in love with them, and it's a tragic best-friendship break-up, so I don't know that me writing it was completely unpredictable...
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I very nearly didn't sign up for the Racebending Revenge challenge, and
Sitting Left of the Dealer (Leverage) was a pain to write. I knew exactly what I wanted to say, but I felt very ill-equipped to say it, and certain that I was going to horribly offend someone. Which is where a beta comes in, and that helped a lot, and the comments were mostly very nice. Even if it still doesn't completely work for me. But I suppose what I've learned is that a beta will point out things which, with my limited perspective, would not have occured to me. So having one is a good idea. And also that you have to write anyway, and do your best, and be prepared for the consequences if you do screw up.
My favorite story this year (of my own):
Light Our Own Fires (Sherlock) - the Sherlock/John aftermath fic. I don't think it's either as angsty or as plotless as some of the bookmarks would maintain, but it is primarily about a relationship between two damaged people, and how they make that work for them. Which I think is quite hopeful, really. :)
My best story this year:
By comments
A Mile Away and Wearing Your Shoes (White Collar), which I am fond of, but I don't think it's the best. It is, however, a lot of fun. I think
The Not Your Teaching Tool Job is better story though, and it had some comments which really encouraged me and made me feel like I wasn't appropriating someone else's experience to write it.
Story most tragically underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Hmm... I liked the last parts of the
We Live in Detail series (Star Trek reboot) much more than anyone else did, clearly. Going by words written to comments in response. Possibly the infidelity stuff put people off, as it would indeed put me off if I hadn't felt compelled to write it. But I love Kirk-as-captain, trying to deal. And I liked the mission parts, and the ensemble and the friendships, so I'm still glad I wrote them.
Most fun story:
I like
When in Doubt, Call (The Social Network) because Dustin and Chris calling Eduardo for help will never not be funny. And like I said, A Mile Away and Wearing Your Shoes had bodyswap, which is always fun.
Most sexy story:
Harry Houdini Had Nothing On Us (Leverage) Parker/Eliot/Alec with bondage and woman-in-control ;)
Story with the single sexiest moment:
Probably also that one, though I really like
The Jessica Rabbit Cascade Effect (The Middleman) which is Wendy and an alien vibrator.
Most unintentionally telling story:
The Not Your Teaching Tool Job or
Light Our Own Fires which are both about loving in ways that aren't like other people.
"Holy crap, that's wrong, even for me" story:
I don't think I wrote anything particularly dubious this year. My usual assortment of strange crossovers, but as I'll cross anything with anything, I don't see that as surprising. And none of the pairings or contexts themselves were very problematic? Willing to be corrected.
Story that shifted my own perception of the characters:
Other Things to do After Buying a Cat (Sherlock) gave me a proper perspective on the characters, when the canon hadn't. I'd still like more of Sally and Molly, but writing my way into them was nice too.
Hardest story to write:
What to Make Out of Snow (Sarah Jane Adventures) which was my Yuletide assignment. It wasn't anything to do with my recipient's request, it was just that gen casefic with plot and a side of het is somewhat out of my wheelhouse. It's also always going to be 'the year I wrote my Yuletide fic in Gatwick airport at 2am'. If it wasn't for the beta, and the ability to edit post upload, bad bad things would have happened. I had serious 'I know what's happening here but I'm writing it like film and I need words instead' issues. But I'm still pleased with how it ended up, and that my recipient liked it.
Worst story:
Discounting ficlets and etc,
Delays in Communicating (The Social Network) was written as a Yuletide treat but it really suffered from the speed I was writing at, and there were so many better Social Network stories written this year. I think with another couple of passes, I could have expanded it a lot, and fixed the ending.
Easiest story to write:
Apologies for Large Feet (Sherlock). Except for the title, which took a while, this one was written mostly overnight. I think because I knew what the hook was, and had the beginning and the end, so everything else was just writing around those bits.
Story I'd like to revise (but probably won't):
Edges are Blurring (The Social Network). Also a contender for tragically underappreciated. I love meta-fic, and I think I could have done better with this one, and made more of it, but I am still fond of it.
Story I wish I'd finished:
The Leverage fic for
thebigbangjob. It put me in a bad mood for ages, missing the first draft deadline, and put me off the story. I do hope to finish it this month though, as it's not very far off really.
Story I didn't write but swear I will, someday:
The Merlin&Morgana and then OT4 fic. The Idol fic I (still) owe
smilebackwards. A women of Sherlock fic. The Leverage kidfic. The Merlin/Gwaine/Lancelot screw-destiny fic. (&Westward Look). But mostly it's the screenplay, and the play, and the novel and the short story set. I really need to start taking this seriously *seriousface*
This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth:
http://blackeyedgirl.dreamwidth.org/143699.html |
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