Comment ficlets: Leverage, Star Trek reboot, Avatar: TLA, Kick-Ass

May 28, 2010 03:17

While I'm posting, and still awake. I find comment_fic very soothing, even if there are apparently far fewer people answering prompts than there used to be. It helps me get some words out, and as I am still 5,500 back on my count, that can only be good. (It's not as bad as it sounds. When the month started I was 13,100 back). And 3-600 words is just about enough space for me to create and exhaust a setting. Man I wish I could write long-fic.

+ Message Etiquette [Star Trek reboot; Gaila's idea of a suitable message to send to your roommate - while she's in class - doesn't always match with Uhura's; NC-17]
+ Different Bar [Leverage; Eliot and Hardison; Eliot needs to learn which bars to just walk on past]
+ Following Older Steps [Avatar: TLA; Aang and Zuko; "I don't know what you're doing, but there's a dragon on my street."; post Book 3]
+ Afterwards [Leverage AU; "Nate is a horror writer, Eliot is the ghost who haunts his house."]
+ What We Pretend to Be [Leverage; "no matter how much she tries to deny it, 'Sophie Devereaux' is who she is"]
+ Friendship Bracelets and Fistfights [Kick-Ass movie; Hit-Girl; "If I'm gonna do this whole knee socks and study buddies grade school bullshit, I'm gonna do it my way."]

If you have read all that, a reward! If you are a White Collar fan/a TV fan/interested in the behind-the-scenes making of a TV show/interested in pictures of Matt Bomer's pretty pretty face, and you are not following jeffeastin on Twitter, you really should be. He posts on-set pictures and photos of camera rigs and pictures of Diana looking stunning in yellow dresses and production designs and script pages (from the finale!) with notes. He's one of the good creators. (So far as I can tell, anyway. Plus he seems as in love with Bomer's pretty as many of his fans.)

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comics, star trek: fanfic, fanfic: drabbles/shorts, avatar, fandom: squee, star trek, fanfic, leverage, white collar, leverage: fanfic

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