Sekrit message for
smilebackwards: remember when you came to visit and gave me song suggestions for this fic which will not write itself? If you remember any of them could you leave me some names? Because it is stalled like a stalled thing until I know what the songs are.
If anyone else would like to suggest songs for Ryan to be singing in this AU, that would also be good. Special props for something country but preferably alt-country, and if it was a male singer singing about a guy that would be extra awesome-sauce. That applies to any genre, not just the country week which is trying to murder my muse.
In other other news. Mainlining Glee. Want to write an AI-Glee fusion, is that wrong? Not that I don't love the Glee characters, but I also want to stick AI to everything. Because it's in my writing brain but not on the frakking page(/screen).
See also: Merlin foursomes with de-powered Merlin teaching Morgana how to use her magic and thus be the kickass heroine she was before the writer suffered some kind of amnesia in the second season and left her to reaction shots and 'can't sleep, dreams will eat me' scenes.
*sigh* Still going to kill flatmate/customers/work-people/random pedestrians of Oxford. And Borders is closing, which sucks both on its own merits and because a friend of mine works there.