So. Now that I have an AO3 account (thank you
ignaz!), what do I do with it?
I'm on Archive Of Our Own as
BlackEyedGirl, and I'm having my usual indecision issues.
a) should I archive my much older stuff, that I'm going to be cringing as I get it ready to post?
(My oldest fic on is January 2003, and I was still 16 then. It's not Mary-Sue, but even aside from the way my writing has - hopefully - improved since then, there's rather more melodrama than I allow myself now. For a few years worth of fic!)
b) Drabbles? I'll archive shorts, I think, but are we reposting drabbles. Completeness for completeness sake does appeal to me, I confess. It just seems a waste of a story entry! Maybe I could batch them?
c) Fic that hasn't been online before? That is, fic that was written as gift-fic and I haven't got around to posting online for whatever reason. I don't know that anyone would mind me reposting (speak now?) but not sure anyway. It's mostly ficlets, including some of the odder crossovers.
And this is why I get nothing done.
In other news: any other calls for
holiday card/fic? I should have said before but, if you want to leave a prompt but don't give out your address online, that's absolutely fine. I'll produce a drabble in comment or by email instead. And if anyone wants to write me, I've moved since last year, so comment for the new address :)