Fourth member - yukihiro aka teh android
Name: Awaji Yukihiro
Birthday: 24 November 1968
Height: 165cm
Weight: 48kg
Blood type: A
Birth place: Chiba, Japan
Random Facts:
yukihiro is the seventh member to join L'Arc~en~Ciel (GEDDIT? XDDD).
He endorses Pearl drums and has a his own signature 13x3.5" snare drum made by Pearl.
He likes to play Katamari Damacy.
yukihiro is the one who introduced tetsu to Neon Genesis Evangelion.
He used to be in Zi:Kill, then Optic Nerve, Die in Cries before joining L'Arc~en~Ciel.
The reason why he left Die in Cries is because they had a strict heavy metal rule. Some of his songs were rejected for not being metal enough.
He then went on to release them on L'Arc~en~Ciel ("trick" and "L'heure").
His side project is acid android.
Apparently his fat percentage is so low that you can't measure it.
He prefers cats over dogs.
When he goes out to eat with the other members of L'Arc~en~Ciel they leave out dishes that he must finish by himself.
Strangely his favourite food is McDonald's fish fillet, chocolate and Coca-cola.
He was in the track team when he was in Junior High school.
He's a fan of Utada Hikaru and Avril Lavigne.
He was once molested on the train/subway.
He has a thing for right angles.
He has a recording studio at his house.
His favourite colours are red and black.
When members of acid android would come over to record he would start vacuuming immediately after they were done to get them to leave.
He would work for days on end without eating. Other members (acid android) would wonder when they were going to take a break to eat but didn't actually say anything and kept working without eating as well.
yukihiro doesn't drink alcohol.
His favourite season is winter as it isn't too hot.
He goes clothes shopping with tetsu.
When he buys clothes he buys two, one to wear and one to keep in case the first one gets damaged.
He has a black PSP but wanted a white one after tomo got one.
He went to Chiba University of Commerce.
His favourite brand is Hysteric Glamour.