Apr 24, 2005 02:07
[ f r o m t h e t o p.]
name:: France Belleau
birthday:: Oct 1, 1987 ( teehee )
birthplace:: Chicoutimi, Quebec, Canada, Earth, Universe
current mood:: Tired, crappy, bored, overwhelmed
current taste:: uh.. cigarette and iced tea
current hair:: Long, black and curly
current clothes:: PJ pants and black top
current annoyence:: In need of affection
current smell:: Smells like an old ashtray...ewww...
current thing you ought to be doing:: Sleeping ( always )
current desktop picture:: It's swirly thing, with a weed leaf :P (Still there)
current favorite band:: Nightwish
current book:: Alessandro Baricco - Silk (fuck it's boring me out too)(obligatory book for college), hell I read at least 12 books for 3 months.
current cd in stereo:: Nightwish - Once
current crush:: hehe..two of them : Chris and Angelo
current favorite celeb:: Ben Affleck, he's good in playing.
smoke:: Oh ya! I love smoking ..>.>
do drugs:: Hey, I SAID I LOVE WEED!! :D
have a dream that keeps coming back:: Not really
remember your first real love:: John, of course.
still love them:: Nope. Thank god.
read the newspaper:: Not really...actually.
have any gay or lesbian friends:: Yes
believe in miracles:: Yes...somewhat
believe it`s possible to remain faithful forever:: Not really, it's quite hard, but depends on the person you're with I believe.
consider yourself tolerant of others:: Not at all, especially for kids...
consider love a mistake:: Sometimes yea...
like the taste of alcohol:: Especially Apricot Brandy :D
have a favorite candy:: Those lime jellybeans :D (god do I love them)
believe in astrology:: Hell no.
believe in God: Yes I do.. I'm not weird for it either.
have any pets:: Sam, my lovely puppy...
got to or plan to go to college:: I am in college, it's hella great! and hella full of homework too -.-
have any piercings:: My nose and ears..
have any tattoos:: My back
hate yourself:: Yea
have an obsession:: Sex, money, weight, weed, love, appearances...
have a best friend:: Not really..
care about looks:: Of course
love life:: Angelo, I'd say. Because he's like the only one who cares... and he's real nice..and we share love, but it's not like... BIG love O.o anyway, know what I'm talking about?
first crush:: Shit I think it was Maxime Pednault in grade 5.. holy O.O
first kiss:: Alex Gaudreault, in grade 3 :P ( a nice thing to have kissed before loved )
single or taken:: Single...heh
ever been in love:: Yes, I have been twice. John and Daniel.
do you believe in love at first sight:: Not really, it's mostly physical attraction what comes first, and then comes love, if the guy's enough nice...
describe your ideal significant other:: I do have a significant other? Meh it would be too long explaining it.. I need specific things...waaayyy too complicated.
[ a p p e a r a n c e. ]
hair:: Black
eyes:: Hazel
height:: 5'3 1/2"
[ l a s t t h i n g y o u. ]
bought:: A book -.-
ate + drank:: Garlic rice with shrimps and Iced tea (I'm addicted to that shit :P)
read:: Alessandro Baricco...-.-
[ l a s t p e r s o n y o u. ]
talked to:: Martin
IMed:: Angelo
hugged:: my pillow counts?
kissed:: uh.. if by IM : Angelo, rl : Brian
yelled at:: some guy in Conquer game...he was spamming me with whispers, telling me to shut up, how ironic. These guys should get a fucking life, I'm serious -.-
girlfriend:: Uh... Emilie as a girlfriend and uh...boyfriend : Brian...