Random thoughts...as usual..

Aug 11, 2006 02:03

oh mAAAN youtube just totally melts your brain!! an hour of that junk stuff and there was some crazy crossed-eye action going on.
yay for a full-ish day tomorrow :) i hope it's gorgeous...instead of that on and off crazy torrential rain. I think I'll go sit on Park Ave and read Elements of Style...just to be pretentiously ironic. It's a satire of upper class/socialite life style in NY. Park Ave, high end clothing, social dinners, children as accessories (which i'm really only starting to realize was the case of many of my classmates at Dalton...). It's amusing and sickening...considering that lifestyle is just utterly comical to me. ::shrugs::
I FINALLY cleaned up my college stuff and I'm aiming to bring at least a quarter less than what i brought back...that was just a bit insane before....if i have to bring a fridge this time...i have no idea how it's going to fit! I have a friggen month left and i'm already packing...
I also realized that i have to cram for my aural test and i've already forgotten all that important theory...i wish i could find my flash cards god dammit....and i have to practice for my orchestra audition if i decide to brave it. But the thought of being last chair is a little too much for me...but then again, not picking up the viola for a couple of weeks, going to the audition and THEN being placed behind better first years would be a lot of stress too. geebus, people are good there...
OK i'm aiming to post up my next set of earrings by next friday!! I CAN DO IT. I sold three pairs before. Ok that's not too bad...but still I'm grabbing on to what little faith i have left in myself and hoping with all my heart that i'll have the stamina to go all the way...i'm definitely starting to feel the drag of boredom though.......which is just another horrible aspect of my personality. I have to find that passion! and not get bored so friggen easily....the ironic aspect of all this is that when i get into something whether it be knitting, viola, making earrings, whatever...i get totally fixated and obsessed with it for a short duration of time (usually in 3-4 week spans) and then the engine just totally dies.
currently i'm striving to slow down myself and be more at peace with myself....sometimes i just totally come out of nowhere...left field, rightfield, back and forth...constantly!! and i don't want to put myself off anymore as the craze that i imagine I can be..blah!
ok enough randomness!!
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