Summary of the past 7 hours: Fun, but i could have done without the cops.
So i'm hanging out with my friend from work, George, and i'm driving us to the mall. I'm stuck behind a tow truck with a farm tractor on it, which is stuck behind a school bus. We're going like 15 below the speed limit, and i cant see anything in front of me. The last time i see the traffic light before the bridge, it's just turned yellow. The next time i see it, i'm under it, and it's turned red. My mind immediately squeaks cops!
and there they are. well, one. but still. the flashy lights just about gave me a heart attack, and george, being the nice guy he is in situations where i'm freaking out, just let out a little laugh and goes, "so not your fault" But like usual, doesn't stop me from freaking out and starting to shake. And of course, though I'd just cleaned my car, inside and out, I cant for the life of me find my license and registration. So George goes rifling through it while I try to explain to the cop that i DO have a license, and George gives them to me. Thank god. I thought i'd be let off with a warning. like the other two times i got pulled over for doing NOTHING (cop tailgated me for about 20 miles to tell me i didnt come to a full stop at some stop sign that i did stop at. and another who misread my registration tags and thought they were going to expire at midnight - but it was midnight of next year) But no, I have to go to court on February 16th, and George reassured me that the cop probably wouldn't show up and I would be let off of the charge. The cop said if i went to court he'd let me go. But again, didn't stop my heart from beating like a mofo.
*sigh* so we finally make it to the mall - no more cops. though a lot of discussion about my Fish of Safety and how George should have driven.
But once we reached the mall it alright. we wandered around, i bought a creme soda, and played a bit of In the Groove 2, which seems to be replacing DDR machines across upstate NY. I played once alone, and then George played with me. But there was a very creepy arcade employee who was very strange. The first time I went to play he jumped up before i could put in my tokens and started playing the demo that comes up, so i jumped up and played it with him, which was pretty cool. but then i wanted to play, and he went off somewhere, so i went and played and failed the second one, and then george played, and we lost the second one as well. meanwhile the creepy arcade guy is staring at me. with his EYES. So George and i wandered around, went to EB, where he bought Duke Nukem 64, and then to Best Buy, where i used my gift card to buy the collection of Azumanga Daioh (which i will watch next week after my surgery, when i need to keep my foot elevated most of the time). Then we went back to the arcade, where i played and on my second song the creepy guy came back while i was playing, i turned to see who was there and he was offering me a pie of pizza, or a slice from it, and i was freaked out and just smiled oddly and said no thanks =/ when i turned around george was giving me this weird look and i just mouthed "i don't know" and kept playing. third song, george later told me he noticed another boy behind me, staring, eating a cookie. i turned around after i finished and realized it was Brendan, and i ran up to him and gave him a hug, and then realized not only was he there, but nick, ed, tom and candice. this big gtown posse that had all randomly met at the mall. it was awesome. i introduced george to everyone, and then we went to watch nick finish playing Time Crisis 3. and then we stood around and talked. well, brendan and i talked about trigun and various animes for a bit, since he's thinking of dying his hair blue, since its already in legato-style (emo now, as its dyed black) and creepy-arcade-guy just randomly popped up next to us. and brendan looked at him like he was crazy, and once he moved i grabbed brendan's sleeve and pulled him close and whispered, "He's been following me ALL night" to which brendan shrugged and said "that's weird" then brendan ed and nick went to get more food, tom and candice went to get smoothies, and george and i went back to my car so i could drive him back to IGA. Before we all parted we somewhat confirmed their presence at bowling friday night, but
ugh, after i dropped george off the guilt of the ticket hit me massively hard and the ride home was torture to my self esteem. i told my dad about it and he just said it wasn't that big of a deal, not my fault, and that i probably wouldn't even get fined, that and he'd come with me to court, which is awesome considering just *getting* the ticket made my hands shake for the 3 hours i was at the mall. anyway, an eventful night, now i just wish i could get a hold of Tom and tell him about it...Somehow he always seems to make me feel better about things like this.
and my tablet doesnt work. so i'm going to spend tonight playing WoW and making the Rock Lee magnets of Sakura's apartment into my mood pictures. yay!
Boozy and stinkin' i smell what youre thinkin' i just need a little more space, get outta my face.