The sky is black..

Jul 15, 2005 12:18 came as such a dissapointment

For Anyone Who Cares:: My head just fell apart. 15:13

Well, i bet everyone is expecting a post on what happened in
Aruba, but i don't really feel like typing it all. It was good
and i had blocked out all the things i had to deal with once
i got back. Harsh words, responsibility and stupid decisions
i shouldn't even have to deal with. So fun.. Lately i haven't
really been .. here .. mentally... Too much stupid crap
between friends, yeah, and i have my own crap too, but i'm not
about to put a five page long post on here about it. Melancholy.
Is that the right word? Yeah i think so..

I was on the plane coming home thinking about way too much
and about things i maybe shouldn't be thinking about. But
it's strange how our brains entertain the thoughts that you
''shouldn't'' be thinking more than the ones that are good
for you. Or your mental health. And then doesn't let you stop
thinking about it once you want to stop. Or maybe you deep
down don't really want to stop thinking about it. Who knows..

When we were on the plane i realize that in the water there
were reflections of clouds and.. i don't really know how to
put it. There were rainclouds too, that made me realize, or
philosophize [?] that when it rains, it's just the clouds
disinigrating. I wish i would've written down everything i
thought of up there.

Does anyone else get sad when they think about random things
like the universe and why we're here and all that stuff ? I
was reading Alya's last post and came across some stuff we
were talking about in the keys..
1. What do you believe is out there?
God, Some kind of dominent force you cant explain, or something
else toltally?
- Nothing's out there, i think, and if there is, i think that
it's dead, or gone by now. Maybe on to create another world
and left this project to rot and fall apart and selfdestruct.
If that was the plan, it looks like it's working well.

2. Do you believe in fate?
-Yep.. i don't know why. Maybe it's the belief in parallel
universes that i have, because your fate ''line'' is the
world we're in now.. er.. universe we're in now, because [i
don't know how to put it] I guess it's just that we wouldn't
be concious in this universe if it's not the one we're s'posed
to be in. If that made sense ? I also belive something that
i read, you might recognize you wrote this, or you might have
forgotten ''Every life is easier than the last, and in each
life your true love is the same.''

3. Do you believe in paralell universes?(that there are two
times you are living at the same time and it splits with
every decision you make)
-the question above answered that ? But uh, correction kinda,
There are thousands that ''you'' are in. And there's only one
when you're born and then it starts getting more with every
decision, like you said, so by the time you die, there's a
countless number of ''universes''
-And i think that when you dream that you're some where with
people that you know in the dream but not in real life, your
soul, or conciousness travels to that other universe.. What
ever if i keep on with that point you'll all think i'm really
insane [if you don't already]

4. Do you believe that we lived in a past life as someone else?
- i believe in reincarnation? How ever you spell it. Once again,
two answered that.. But i think we're the same soul, in different
bodies, and that's why some people are more immature [their
whole lives] than others and why some are as smart as they are.

Ok, enough of that..

Tom came over yesterday and dropped off a huge ass bottle of Md.
=] And i think he's coming over today too. I think someone's
home.. maybe. Eh, ok i'll stop rambling and complaining and stuff.

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