Lots happening. My job is pulling up stakes and moving to a new building (closer to my apartment, which is nice). People are still getting hit with stressful workloads. People continue to blow up. (Thankfully, it's not daily any more, but I can't remember a week this year in which there wasn't some blow-up or other. The week I was away for Easter doesn't count.)
I got to a point today where I hinted to one of the Senior Partners (and frequent offender) that the way things were going, I might end up screaming. She encouraged me to remain calm, and then, thankfully, seemed to realize that she could use some of her own advice in that regard. Suggestions were tossed around, including meditation, tea (not coffee), fresh air, and ... WQXR.
That last was my suggestion, on the theory that New York's classical music station would help alleviate stress. After some workarounds, a violin concerto was playing in her office, and I escaped to my own office.
Where I've been informed that due to staff requirements, my desk is about to be stolen.
Oh wait.
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