Genre TV. Been a while.

May 16, 2014 13:07

After hearing a lot about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and seeing the new Captain America movie, I finally broke down and took advantage of my iTunes account still giving me US-based choices (because it predates my transatlantic move, and the billing address for its associated card is still Stateside), and purchased the season pass.

Mainlined most of it in four days, then discovered that an Apple TV box lets you stream stuff directly without having to download - though there's about half a day of delay between broadcast and iTunes availability.

Some of the pacing seemed funny, but only if you assume that all the scenes take place in chronological order. On a second watching, I got the impression that the scenes with Fitz and Simmons underwater probably took place well before the raid on Cybertek; I've found in my own writing that sometimes if you want to maintain a good pace, you've got to put events out of sequence. Add in all the trans-continental flying, and yeah, handcuffing themselves to chronological order would have messed up the pacing of the show.

All the same, Nick Fury did appear to be a bit on the deus ex machina side, but then again, he's supposed to be mysterious and somewhat scary, isn't he?

In other non-related news, I can now add "occasional See-and-Say translator" to my resume.

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