(no subject)

Apr 30, 2007 00:44

this was a pretty sweet weekend.

friday night i left work a little early to go to kristen degeneffe's for a small poker tournament. i got there almost right on time which was actually appeared to be way early. so i asked gaudenis if he wanted to get food with me. he said where and i said i had no car and the kristen volunteered her car and soon we were off to the west side to get some delicious cod baskets from the seafood center. that place doesnt seem like it should really exist. i mean, we live in wi, we're not supposed to be able to get good seafood. but it basically rocks. (if you dont know im a vegetarian who cheats and eats fish)

we got back just in time for the tourney. i really didnt know anybody but kristen, shapiro and gaudenis. i had met a few of the other people there maybe once. it was pretty fun and there were brownies. the tourney went fairly smoothly. i did lose to the short stacked ace rag twice with pocket pair gtreater than rag. but that happens. i managed to win without too much trouble. they were not well versed in battling an aggressive late game blind stealer. luckily the prize payout was fairly top heavy and i got $55.

after that i went to netherworld to scare up the last cards i needed for my legacy deck for the gpt the next day. i actually made a conscious decision midway through the last extended seasonn to never netdeck again. it really takes all the fun away for me in constructed to just play some established metagame option. this might get a little tricky in block where there are often not as many viable decks, but i think i can make do. now i let zee take the car back to the east side with her so she could go to work which left me with some time to kill until 11 or 12 o'clock. so of course i ended up at the paradise lounge. most of the park st. gang was there. joe almost instantly started up a cash game when i showed up. let me tell you about paradise cash games. they are THE NUTS. never easier money ever. i caught some nice hands and was running people over when zee shows up with the DEATH STAR, KYLE RIPP. i figure that its time for me to go, but she ran into some of her fellow soc. grad students and was soon having a blast talking to them. (see zee's lj) i got kyle to sit in the cash game. it was actually his first cash game ever. he didnt even know how to deal. he was soon down $40 which i felt a little bad about. he did seem to have a very good time though. i left up like 80 or something.

the tourney the next day went pretty well seeing as how i won. i 3-2ed the swiss losing to some cocky type 1 players from chicago. this fortunately put me in the t8 anyway. i played my version of legacy aggroloam. the guys i lost to were playing iggy pop (my worst matchup) and threshold. threshold guy was really lucky and i screwed up pretty badly g3 to lose when i should have won despite his endless lucksackery. i got paired against the iggy pop guy firt round of the t8 which i figured was probably it for me. but then i mulliganed to five both games and beat him. cocky threshold guy lost to ug madness because madness plays wonder and threshold is too greedy to include even one copy with their infinite card draw and self milling effects. i beat the madness guy pretty easy and then beat some guy playing ur welder with no actual dual lands in his deck. so 3 byes for columbus are mine.

after that zee and katrina (whats her lj name anyway) showed up. they took me and kyle ripp to red robin where i failed to keep myself from talking about magic much of the time. but i was pretty happy about winning with a deck i didnt actually test at all. (i dont even think id change much of my list) then it was time for game.

zee runs an exalted game. the first session was my character getting kyle's character into no end of trouble. maybe we didnt go far enough from ourselves for our characters. this time zee was adding katrina and black robin to the game. black robin left pre-red robin. we have no idea what her character is or anything. i had a lot of fun gaming. in the end i became some kind of were-weasel. hopefully it stays fun now that we aren't playing normal people anymore. im highly optimistic.

sunday i wasnt feeling so hot yet again. it started up sometime on saturday. zee thinks its alergies. she might be right. i dont have any history of any alergies, but sometimes these things do pop up. i decided to finally sort my magic cards and get the hundreds of cards i borrowed from dan bock back to him. this is a more lengthy process than you would think. i actually didnt quite finish because "the choaders" needed me to draft with them.

the draft went more or less awful. im not sure what happened. i managed to 0-3. pat got really lucky. hron narrowly escaped death to beat me. blah blah blah. the draft took much longer than i would have liked. from there i had to drive to the far west side to meet up with the paradise lounge coed softball team for my first game in some time.

softball was pretty fun. i didnt embarrass myself despite not even having thrown a ball in almost 3 years. i was impressed i could actually judge fly balls. of coure the first one the gets hit anywhere near me i manage to get to only to have it bounce right out of my glove. but i managed to get my other hand to bobble it before it hit the ground and turned a fairly routine catch into an "oh shit" dramatic moment. im a total softball donkey actually. like half of my hits are these fucked up ground balls that dribble away from the bat. luckily i can actually run fairly quickly so those usually get me on base. of course my first hit was just like that. actually connected pretty well on the second at bat and got a run in. third time was another grounder that they narrowly recovered. it rained in the middle of the game. we thought it was going to get canceled when we were up a run in the fourth inning. (you only need to finish 5 innings) luckily the rain mostly stopped and we managed to finish the game. we won by one but would have gotten one more inning to hit had we been down.

after the game i was quite sore. i blame sickness + rain + omg am i way the fuck out of shape. i made the mistake of going to the sunday night cash game on park street where i proceeded to lose $140 almost enitrely to mack. he actually smashed me with k7s. my own fucking hand. the game was really crazy. we play two fifty cent blinds and every hand was getting jacked up to between $5 and $10 preflop.

should be a great summer.
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