
Mar 23, 2007 09:12

chuzhuzhe recently asked

Question: When one is in one's early twenties, how much (in dollars) is each year worth?

Explanation: If you were given the option to spend a year of your life doing something you didn't like for money instead of something you LOVE for no money*, how much money would have to be offered for you to accept it?

this is a weird question for me. i know when i was in my early 20s one of the things i kept reminding myself was that i did not want to buy my old age with my youth. you really are only young once and being young and happy doesn't actually require much money. there was always a voice in the back of my head telling me that i would be kicking myself when i got older. gladly that still hasn't happened. i'm the happiest now in my life that i've ever been.

all this said, i never went into debt. i never let myself get a credit card. i think i'm falling off the question. it's really hard to buy me now, then or probably ever. i just don't care about money. money in my head has no close relation to happiness whatsoever. it only hurts you when you really need it and don't have it. during those times i have definitely sacrificed a lot of my social life to work my ass off.

i guess i've just never seen my life in dollar amounts. it's always in terms of times. times are pricelss. times also typically distribute their value to other people.

yesterday i had a banana split with zee. it occurred to me that i had never actually done this with a girl before. it was actually an amazing, wonderful, memorable thing and well worth the 5.75. it was also a beautiful day walking to the ice cream shop. times.

last night nicole asked me how an open relationship actually worked and the first thing i though of was a banana split. then i had to think up some actually explnation about what it's like. i'm not sure i pulled that off. but for the record, it's banana splits.
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