Idiotic Christian Beliefs: God Is Pro-Life Edition

Jun 20, 2020 23:12

One of the more asinine things that christian "pro-lifers" claim is that their deity is pro-life and, as such, holds human life as eminently sacred, especially unborn human life.  As a former christian who, unlike the vast majority of self-identified christians, has actually read the bible in its entirety (an enlightening, as well as vomit-inducing ( Read more... )

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God IS most certainly Pro-life: Part 3 anonymous June 23 2006, 06:00:48 UTC
Ruth, While we are in the Old Testament, how about inviting your pro-abortion Jewish friend to join us for an interesting exchange, particularly as we explore Exodus, in which God orchestrates the greatest rescue effort in history, saving the Israelites from 400 years of enslavement, instituting the Passover, and bringing them into the Promised Land. You are correct, Exodus 4:21 reads, "I will harden Pharaoh's heart", but you erroneously imply that Egypt's leader was a good ol' guy whose sweet disposition was abruptly changed for the worse by God. Let's look at Egypt's kings during that time and see how they consistently mis-treated the Israelites, God's chosen people, to determine if this is true ( ... )


Re: God IS most certainly Pro-life: Part 3 anonymous June 23 2006, 06:06:21 UTC
Ruth, are you or any one else reading these comments? Is anyone going to agree or disagree in response? I'm losing motivation just writing to myself. I think I'll take a break until there is some indication this effort is worth continuing. At a pace of one a night, this could be a project for the whole summer, which is fine, if anyone was interested, but if not, I've got lots of other things that I really should be doing tonight...


Re: God IS most certainly Pro-life: Part 3 bjsurvivor June 23 2006, 23:58:02 UTC
First, it is you, as a self-proclaimed pro-lifer, who claims that god is pro-life, meaning that he holds human life, especially fetal life, in utmost sanctity. Yet he commits, orders, and condones mass and singular murders (as well as other atrocities which I will delve into in my essay on the christian god's treatment of women), including the "ripping open" of pregnant women, which, in case you need it pointed out to you, kills the fetuses which you claim are so sacred to him. Of what could the fetuses possibly be guilty? You have consistently FAILED to provide evidence that the christian god is pro-life. You have merely repeated, again and again, that god is pro-life because you believe he is pro-life, while trying to feebly defend the mass slaughters he commits, condones, and orders. It's as if you believe that if you state it often enough and loudly enough that you will drive rational thought from my mind. Sorry, no go ( ... )


Please answer the fundamental question first, Ruth anonymous June 24 2006, 00:39:06 UTC
You're not following the basic "rules of debate etiquette" that you established for your forum, Ruth. I'm eager to discuss this, but we have to determine your answer to this first:

There is a fundamental flaw in your basic approach. You are arguing two conflicting premises, that cannot co-exist:

1) You first argue that the Bible is just a "fairy-tale" and God doesn't exist. If that is the case, why waste your time worrying about any of this? Go about your "happy" life and leave us crazy Christians in peace.

2) But then, you call this "fairy-tale" God a misogynist, sadistic, psychopath who has cruelly mistreated people throughout history, even blaming Him for everything wrong in the world, including "entrapping" you to sin.

Which is it Ruth, does God exist or not? You can't argue both ways, your two assertions cannot both be true. Choose one and then we can continue.


Re: Please answer the fundamental question first, Ruth bjsurvivor June 24 2006, 19:07:14 UTC
I would love to live my life in peace, free from the interference of self-righteous fundamentalist christians, but they, unfortunately, won't leave the rest of us alone. Remember, it was you who came to an obviously, unapologetically pro-choice blog and challenged me to a scriptural debate ( ... )


Re: Please answer the fundamental question first, Ruth gloomchen June 27 2006, 00:30:48 UTC
Oh, I just had to reply because it was too easy ( ... )


Re: Please answer the fundamental question first, Ruth gentlemaitresse June 27 2006, 12:49:48 UTC
God does not exist. However, to show Christians that their god cannot possibly be what they claim he is, we are willing to use your own text to prove our points.

The fictional character, "god", most certainly is a misogynistic, sadistic psychopath who has cruelly mistreated people throughout the history recorded in the bible.

So when *I* tell you how evil your god is, I am speaking of a fictional character whom you believe to be real.


Re: God IS most certainly Pro-life: Part 3 gentlemaitresse June 27 2006, 12:45:23 UTC
The Israelites, God's chosen people (aka the Jews) were terrified and cried out to the Lord.

And I've always wondered why god even had a "chosen people." How can a loving father choose one over another? God never seemed to care about other slaves, and the NEW TESTAMENT even seems to support slavery. So I guess god only saw the Egyptians as evil for having Hebrew slaves because they were his "chosen people".


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