(no subject)

Jun 04, 2007 22:23

Change sucks, I hate it.
I have a 3.7 GPA wow geeze haha I'm so use to having a 3.0 or like a 2.8.

Fucking my 1990's video project, she better have burned the project on DVD for class tomorrow.
My friend's birthday is this weekend, he's turning 20, and I bought him 4.3 g of Chronic, I really don't know why since he put me through a lot of shit, I geuss Iw asn't thinking. I also thought he was going to write my AP GOV essay for me, but as usual backed out. *NOTE never do anything for him anymore since he does jack-shit for you(even when we were dating)*
A lot of my friends are musicians, and are becoming successfull, they are actually doing something! I'm proud of them but at the same time sort of sad. Ever since one of my friends got a recording space, he's in 5 bands and never talks to me anymore, and I feel our friendship sort of fading away. I miss talking to him everyday (wow a lto) sort of... almost everyday at 6pm. These past two weeks I've rarely spoken a word to him and I need a ride for Friday night, he said he would talk to me about it, yeah right. Then another friend of mine, got signed to a record deal, my friend is in his band. I miss the entire group just relaxing and totally not occupied with anything, and now I watch them rehearse. When one of my friend's said he's movie into Echo Park, I sort of was a little dissapoinetd. Not only do I hate Echo Park but one of his roomates is good friend's with this girl although her 15 minutes of fame seem to be finally fucking over, and I don't care as much as I use to for a reconnection, I don't really wnat to meet her/see her/hear of her this summer.
All they do is make music and smoke pot in that house, drink alcohol of course which is fine I guess but it's just I don't know sort of whatever.

Oh I have to get my yearbook ticket tomorrow with like 600 students, this sucks.
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