May 30, 2003 23:29
Evidentally there is a tornado heading my way. I worry about it when it actually gets here. I've spent the last two days pretty much sleeping all day. I've been awake for a total of 8 hours in the last 48. I just have no motivation to do anything other than sleep. Well today I had motivation to go to the grocery and buy some food, because I had none in the house. After not eating for 30 or so hours food is pretty important. Plus I needed some smokes. I was thinking the other day.....I know, strange....... Anyway I'm really excited to be going to Elkhart in a few days. I'm real excited to see all my friends and family again. It's seems like it's been so long. It's only been three months since I have been there, but it seems like an eternity to me. I know it's a cliche, but you never realize what you have until it's gone. My friends and family aren't gone but might as well be. It's so rare that I get to see them. I am SO close to moving back to Elkhart just to be with familiar surroundings again. I really miss always having a constant in my life. I just wish something positive would stick around. I'm so used to having all the good things taken away, most of which are my fault I now realize, I seem to be always stuck with the bad things. After remembering about I post I must seem like a miserable grumpy person. I'm generally happy but I never feel the need to write about the good things. I just like to vent my frustrations with the world. I really don't want to go to work in the morning. Seven hours until hell. I should really get some sleep. Later all....