Weekend Rec: The Killing Frost (Stargate: Atlantis)

Feb 22, 2009 18:49

I rec a lot of Gen fic. It's partly because of the profusion of slash that I rebel a little by trying to rec stuff that isn't mentioned elsewhere, and I'm surprised that I've never seen this particular author mentioned anywhere. Perhaps I'm not looking in the right place, but this is one person who should certain receive more props than they do for their writing.

I have this sneaking affection for the Daedalus and her crew. Apart from this fic, I have never seen fic involving the Daedalus except in vague mentions and asides. This is a long meaty fic, involving the SGA team, Caldwell, Novak, and even Hermiod as they try to survive the crash landing of the Daedalus on an icy planet. Why did they crash? And how are they supposed to survive the experience?

The Killing Frost

fanfic, stargate:atlantis, recs

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