Mar 26, 2006 19:07
so all is fairy well with my world right now. i didn't "do" anything this spring break, other than what i wanted to do, which was nothing. i still do plan on hitting a lot of the european architecture hot spots, like berlin for example, but i just am not much for traveling, and decided to stay in rome and do as the romans do--which is go to the baths. i always wanted to donate myself to the art department back in fayetteville as one of their nudes, but i never quite had the guts. i think after my stay here, i just might have enough confidence, since i've been getting naked in front of total strangers for quite awhile.
i did manage to meet a nice boy here last week. his name is ashton, yes he's american, and i met him at a dance club. he's only vacationing for about a week and a half, but we've had fun running around rome together. the night i met him i got super drunk, took him home with me, since his hostel was on the other side of town, didn't get too frisky, but didn't know this until after he told me. my roommate and i have this rule about bringing home people, we don't, or at least we don't let them into our bedroom. ashton was sleeping on the couch, but one of my roommate's parents were in town, so when they all were waking up, she came in the living room and told him to go in my room to avoid an awkward meeting of him and her parents. so when i woke up that next morning, i found him in bed next to me, and not remembering much from the night before, i thought that maybe i had slept with him the whole night, and possibly even done stuff with him in the bed all while julian, my roommate, lay helplessly a few feet away. i felt really bad, and tried to apologize, but julian told me to wait and we'd talk about it later, but i didn't come home until late, and julian was already gone on his trip to switzerland. i later got the full story from ashton, he was amazed that i truly didn't remember anything from last night, and he told me how he only came in my room after my roommate told him to. so i didn't feel as bad after that. in my supreme drunkenness, i was actually quite responsible, and apparently did everything i could to uphold the rule julian and i had made.
i am now hooked onto desperate housewives. leanne's sister, leanne is another roommate, brought and left the season 1 dvd at our house, and we've been watching it like crazy. i missed the whole craze when it first started because i didn't have a television at my apartment in fayetteville, and i definitely don't get it here in italy, so my first interaction with the show came only two days ago. i didn't think i'd like it, being a huge fan of sex and the city, i thought this would be just some watered-down, made-for-network tv version, and while it does have its similarities, a really enjoy this show for a lot of different reasons. my family grew up on the soap opera the young and the restless, and desperate housewives has those soap qualities, but not as cheesy and poorly filmed.
i think i've sworn off sex for awhile, the greater part of it anyway. first base, maybe a little second, but i'm bored of it all really. i used to think i had this impossible to fulfill sexual appetite, but i don't, and i am very much full. plus, i feel sometimes like i cheapen it, and when i finally do meet someone else worth having a meaningful relationship with, i want our fooling around to be a little more eventful. i probably sound ridiculous right now, but i was thinking about it last night, so, who knows.
that's it for now
ciao bella