Oct 07, 2005 01:57
Or at least that's what tonight felt like anyway...the day started out like any other day at Brandeis...classes...trip to mailroom...food...nap...homework. aka..."blah"
however this evening i finally discovered "college" at brandeis in a little coffee house called Chums. I swear, it's something straight out of Harry Potter. It's connected to a group of upper-class men dorms called "The Castle," which by the way, is an actual castle. There's one entrance into the coffee house, for the public anyway, tucked away into a corner of the outside wall of the castle, much like The Leaky Cauldron. In side it is the perfect envisionment of a "coffee house"...soft, voluptuous couches and chairs everywhere, a coffee bar area filling one whole side of the area, and a small stage set against the back wall....everything is open and warm and for lack of a better word, charming.
Nicole, my roommate, and I went there tonight to see the ballroom dance team perform. We got there a little early....so I ordered mango sherbert and a mocha cocha which is a coffee/hot chocolate blend...damn it is the best invention ever known to man. The show itself was short, so we stayed and watched TBA's performance, which is an improv comedy group on campus....they were amazing...it was like watching "Who's Line Is It" in person rather than through a tv set.
Anyway, so Nicole and I hung out and I introduced her to two of my friends, Warren and Anton...and discussed how suddenly Warren wanted to join the ballroom dance team after seeing Brianne and her dance partner perform a very sensual rhumba routine...it was beautiful...or as amber would say- "it was hot"- and so now Warren is "hot" for Brianne...it was funny...so he went off the watch the show and probably create relive his new found fantasy...and Anton, Nicole, and I hung out...it was awesome!!...Anton and I took hours to discuss the difference between and who was "officially" labeled as "interesting," "unusual," and "special"...we had a great time!!
Oh, backtracking...before the improv group, 4 guys jumped up on stage...w/ a base, banjo, acoustic guitar, and a violin or possibly a fiddle...couldn't tell...and they started jamming...it was great...after awhile they finally performed a song or two...and of course that was just as awesome as the jam session
ok...now fast-forwarding....after the improv group finished Nicole, Anton, and I headed back to Nicole's/my room and drank hot chocolate...a girl in our hall, Monica, joined us...and we all talked and joked around until 2am...when we kicked Anton out and Monica left to go study...we were supposedly going to go to bed seeing as how i have a 9:40am class tomorrow and Nicole has a full day of classes...but it is now 2:30 am...and we are both still wide awake...
as for Anton...he's a Kevin M./Josh B. mix(personality and looks wise) and is in between their heights and has Robert's "beautiful" hair (right before the dreadlocks) except it looks...uhh...more natural...i suppose. aka...Anton is a really cool guy
Anyway, I had a wonderful night, and Chums gave me the same feeling as Hendrix did...so naturally, I am now more confused than ever about what to do about transferring...and after being exhausted already after only my first day back from "vacation" it was a pleasant surprise...tonight i can say i was actually and truly happy at Brandeis...idk maybe that's my "niche"...the only question now is whether that can make up for the rest of my college life here at Brandeis...which is sorely lacking for the most part...besides the academics...they're wonderful because everyone and everything is so damn intense around here...it's unreal...anyway, if i end up staying at brandeis...i'm definitely getting a job at Chum's!!
Oh...Nicole, Anton, and I already have a plan that as soon as it starts snowing we are going to each "become" a Harry Potter character and trek through the snow together to Chum's...omg...real-life Harry Potter...it's so unreal and will be soooo cool...and what's even better...our school's mascot is an owl!! haha...perfect!!!