Feb 23, 2007 00:07
At the beginning of Robert Harper's excellent book Programming in Standard ML he presents us with a simple regexp engine.
I am currently writing a version of that engine in Haskell. What's worse, I'm using a monad instead of what was used in the book (a form of continuation passing)! Go, go, monads!
I'll post this code when I get done with it.
regular expressions,
Feb 21, 2007 13:22
Last night I wrote a little lambda-calculus evaluator in Haskell. It only does beta-reduction, and is inadequate because it does not properly alpha-substitute terms which are bound in a lambda-expression but free in what that lambda-expression may be applied to. Hence, you won't see it here now.
Needless to say, I am enjoying getting into Haskell
lambda calculus,