Sep 28, 2010 19:01
Caught it just in time - went back to the evil cult (AKA fat club) as the scales have been saying things I don't like for a few weeks. I was probably a bit too pleased to correct the lady who told me I was 6lb over (ie I'd have to pay) that I was only 5lb (no fee) over target thank you very much. Of course I'm not happy that in the last month I've started expanding in a way I notice so I will be following the cult of pointiness for a little while but probably not quite as militantly as this time last year.
I'd claim that it was all vanity and therefore fundamentally evil, but sadly there's a couple of items of clothing that have been uncomfortable this last month so removing the baggage actually is a sensible decision (wasting money buying new clothes and food when I'm guessing on the 20th of october it will become apparent just how much Mrrs Cameron and Clegg want me unemployed really isn't a sensible thing to do)