May 21, 2005 20:38
Ah yes the adventures of last night...
The day started off not half bad, had to get my brake light switch fixed though since my brakes on my Jeep were permanently on. No problem, I walked across the street and lounged by the pool at my friend Kim's apartment. Later we did some shopping..and yeah I ended up spending $47 on crap at Target.
I get a call from my roommate in the dressing room at Target with some house drama with my other roommate's friends. Not getting into that but I stood my ground and bitched out my roommate's friend, since these immature little boys think my house is their domain to be rude assholes where it is the only place away from mommy and daddy's house in their little TCC world where they can go to drink.
We decided to go to Stetson's for some country western dancing last night after I dealt with that. I picked up Brian, already running late.
Traveling down Ocala street, a guy pulls out in front of me from the median turning lane and stops about 1/3 into the left lane. I couldn't stop or move over and slammed into him.
The guy who caused this accident acts like he is going to leave and reverses his car, but I scream at him and get his license plate number as he decides he wants to see the damage first before he takes off. He got back in his car just as the cops came, literally 5 minutes after this guy hit me and I was getting my cell phone to call. I explained the situation, they put him in cuffs, and told me I might have to go to court for a DUI investigation because the guy who hit me was drunk.
I didn't completely notice the damage to my car until I got to Kim's. The damage is minor, but it is on 3 panels along the driver side, probably need to replace both doors.
Trying to salvage what was left of my night, we hung out at Kim's and ordered some pizza. There were no visitor spots, and I took my chances. We checked to see if any spots had opened up 30 minutes later to see my car GONE. Yep, lovely Tallahassee towing. Another $80 down the tubes.