Apparently, I'm a selfish bitch.

Apr 16, 2005 22:37

I'm sorry ok? I'm sorry for being selfish.  For wanting to relax.  For wanting to smile.  I'm sorry for forgetting about everything for a few hours.  I'm fucking sorry.  I dont know what the hell I'm doing wrong.   I really don't.  I was having a good day.  I was in a good mood.  My dad has to go and pretend to take charge of my life, and ruin it.  I didn't do anthing fucking wrong.  I didn't talk back, i was calm.  Im sorry.  Ok fine, im a selfish teenager who doesn't care about anyone but herself.  I never do anything for anyone else and all I want to do is make myself happy.  You know what? your fucking right.  Right now, the ability to make myself smile is so rare, that yes, all i care about at times is how to not hate myself.  So if you call that selfish, than I guess you're right.  Sorry for being a selfish bitch.

I cried today.  I havent done that in a while.  Not only did I cry, but I let someone else see that I cried.  Ok, im not one to never show emotion, but usually when I'm in that state, i dont want to be touched.  Thanks wes.  I might not have seemed like i appreciated it, but thanks for staying with me.  It made me feel like you cared, and I need that.

It's taking all my strength right now not to explode at the world.  Everything is just tipping me over the edge.  And aside from that, I feel completely alone.  Ok, that sounds so stupid and cliche, but Im not really sure how else to describe it.  Everyone who I put first, who I would do anything for, who I spend half my days trying to make sure they are happy and to  be a good friend, seems to have forgotten about me and has put me on second string.  I don't like being on second string.  I can't seem to find my best friend right now.  It really upsets me, but I guess there isnt much I can do about it.  I guess you just dont have time for everyone.  So what have i done with this extra time that i have been given?  I'm investing my left over emotions to others who dont deserve to be trusted with them.  I need to stop doing that.  haven't i learned from past experiences that people you can truely trust are very few?  Why do i let myself trust you.  God.

I need to just relax.  My stomach freaks out and my eye starts twitching when I dont.  Yah, you might think thats funny, but if my body is physically reacting to the emotional things im going through, thats not a goood sign.  There are so many things I'd like to say right now, but i can't because I'd like to keep the amount of people who seem to hate me lately to a minimum.

The cloer that I get to feeling

the farther I get from feeling alright...
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