Feb 17, 2007 12:43
i should've never gone out last night... i knew it would bad news but instead of listening to my instinct i pushed myself because im trying to be mor social regardless of gregory's location...
i picked jaime up and we went to see factory girl... its amazing how glamorous life can seem when you have no bills no worries and loads of friends... edie like most of modern socialite simply because the right person has been smart enough to make a fuss about them... the problem is drugs...
people always get involved with drug recreationally, i mean really who decides ok im going to become a heroin addict today... no one, it just happens whether to drown their sorrow or just for fun so yea it stops being glamorous and fun when you find yourself in a room doped up and realizing that you've been fucked by three complete strangers how do you deal with that?
do you sit there and realize shit im a mess? ive known people who have been there come back and some who ar on there way there but you cant be patronizing and be like shame on you... you just hope for the best...
i have a friend who recently made the decision that she doesnt need to coke to have a good time... i was quite excited to hear this since i care abot her and although she thinks she has it under control when we hang out she spends more time in the bathroom then actually having fun...
i digress, as for my night... we went to pink. there was not one attractive person! so i figured id get my buddy drunk since some bitch just broke his heart... and as i progressively doing so im growing more and more anxious about the fact that my two other friends, one is sick and the other im starting to just simply grow bored of are not encouraging or helping me try to be more sociable... they left me alone...
three am in the morning and i dont want to go home to an empty apartment... i text my beloved tell him how miserable i am, he tells me to go to south beach... but i cant muster energy to go out alone so i sit at the bar stiffling my tears... i start talking to some random guy who is completely out of place...
well i remember saying goodbye and then one of the valets helping me... i wake up the next morning feeling even worst then i felt the night before having placed one drunken booty call and having thrown up on myself... quite pathetic... im supposed to pick up greg at 3pm and yet there i lay not moving because aggravating my stomach in the manner i did was the dumbest thing i could do...