let's make a pact: friends until easter!!!

Jun 19, 2007 11:51

God, today is so terrible.  I have felt like shit for the past week and a half due to this damn kidney infection, and I cannot shake how tired I always am lately.  Well, I'm always tired anyway, but it's been getting much worse.

So, I'm going to shoot for a weight loss goal again.  I just want to have ONE DAMN DAY where my body feels good and healthy.  So hopefully I can drop 100 lbs in like, the next year.  Seriously, how am I going to start my career next summer with being sick all of the time?  It really worries me and freaks me out.

I've been trying to get out in the sun more often, and it helps somewhat.  Yesterday we walked to Tyler Park though, and I suddenly got the worst charlie horse EVER.  It was awful.  Then we went to Christine and Angela's and then to Kevin's, and played Wii.  Oh yeah!  I'm obsessed with the Wii.  I need to buy one asap.

So with all this forced exercise that I've been trying to do with my buddies, I haven't had any time to unpack.  One day, it'll be cute as shit.  Right now...not so much.  I should do that tonight but all I can think about right now is going home and napping for hours and hours.

Either way I think I'm staying home for the next evening or two and getting extra rest and what not.  And not drinking beer.  That shit is so bad for me.  But it's gooooooood
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