Boggis and Bunce and Bean

Jun 01, 2007 12:18

Man.  Wes Anderson has two, count em TWO movies coming out in the next 2 years and I believe they are going to be astounding.  ESPECIALLY FANTASTIC MR. FOX.  My god.  In case you guys were never 12 year olds, it's a Roald Dahl book.  And, I think that Wes Anderson + Roald Dahl = THE BEST THING THAT WILL EVER HAPPEN.  no really.  And Darjeeling Limited going to be great too.  I'm so excited.

Who wants to go to the Renaissance Fair with me tomorrow or Sunday?  I know you guys want to, ADMIT IT.  Where the hell is Eminence, KY?  If it's not too far from here, I'm there.

I love my George Foreman Grilleration...grill.  I want to cook everthing on it, it's so awesome.  Today, my plans are:

* Laundry
* Unpacking
* Moving the last bit of stuff from my old place (which should have been done weeks ago)
* Coloring and cutting my hair
* Buying accessories for my Bridesmaid's dress ( I already have short gloves, but I need shoes and jewelry)

I'll be in Tuesday at around 5 ish.  I'm going to spend some time with Constance and my mom and then spend the night wherever I need to. (Amanda a's?  Lauren's?)

OH YEAH and I need to make mixes for the trip today.  Lauren, do the same, STAT!

k i'm going to watch Night Watch now I think
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