I have a message. Sort of. You three are to go intimidate...torture...imperio, whatever takes your fancy, with a preference to the last, a gentleman by the name of Milkwood. He lives at 92 Cromwell Road. It's in Muggle London, but magically disguised. South Kensington, you should be able to find it quite easily. He's a ministry official, and has proved to have a bit more muggle loving integrity than I would have liked. He was one of the three who voted to send Jugson to prison and is a bloodtraitor through and through. Half blood mother, if I'm correct. Anyway, you're to go and teach him the error of his ways. As with most Ministry officials, there should be some guards hanging around, but I don't think they'll cause you too much trouble. Will they? Use masks and cloaks to get around curfew. Be careful where you apparate from and to.
Gentlemen, take my advice, I think this is some way of trying to get you all to prove yourselves. Do not let Him down, do not let me down, do not let yourselves down, but most of all, do not let every one of us down. Do what you must.
I love it when justice prevails. I really do. Someone in this country hasn't completely lost their nut and was going to send the poor kid down for something he didn't do.
That is all.