Loewen Gardens Fair

Nov 21, 2010 07:06

I have been reading about the Farmer's Market at Loewen Gardens from the other bloggers and it looks so interesting.  Over the past two days, I visisted this quaint neighbourhood twice.  On Friday, I brought the three girls to the Loewen Gardens Fair where there are many stalls selling kids' apparels, toys, signage etc.  Andrea brought along her pet grasshopper as she had the intention to let it go.  There were many at the fair who approached her to ask about her unusual pet.

That's the grasshopper Andrea caught in her school.  One of the hind leg was gone and I guess that probably explained how she caught it so easily.  "P  It was quite a BIG grasshopper though.  She put it in an empty pencil case which her friend lent her and tranferred it to a container at home.  On Friday, we let the grasshopper go at Loewen Garden.  It took a while to lure it out of the container but once out it flew away.

I had been looking for swimming costume for the girls and I was glad to see some nice ones at the Fair.  Bought the swimwear and some toys at the Fair.


After the interesting experience on Friday, I decided to show Seong this place the following day.  Hence, on Saturday, after dropping Andrea and Anna for their classes, Seong, Ashley and I went back and this time it was the Farmer's Market where there were fresh produce like fruits and vegetables, organic products and snacks, pretty flower cookies and cupakes in ribbons etc.  It was also Seong's first time to this little corner in Dempsey and he likes the feel of th e place.  It's not a very big fair but there's a relaxed, casual and festive atmosphere.

I took some pictures at the Farmer's Market yesterday.

The lady selling pretty flower cookies, caupcakes, pies and other goodies from the Pantry.

Fresh produce from the farm.  This guy has some really nice big portobello mushrooms.

A whole leg of ham and there was a whole pan of sizzlimg paella too (left size of picture).

We saw some kids doddling with chalk

Our little one joining in too

Ha, look at that cheeky grin.  Now that the other kids are gone, I can help myself to all the chalk!

Bobby cars lying haphazardly aruond for the restless kids.

Ashley, happy to find her little Ferrari.

She was playing with this bobby car for a while that Daddy was even considering getting one for her.  "P

Nice little playground just nice for small little kid.

It was a pleasant discovery for Seong and myself and for Ashley, she had a good time too!  The three of us sat down outside the Pantry later to enjoy a scrumptious breakfast.  I had the most hearty quiche lorraine and am now so tempted to go for one of the cooking class to make this.  :P


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